Chapter 29

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Shai’s POV-

I stutter to find the right words. I can’t tell him. Not yet. But he’s getting suspicious. I guess I have to. I mean it’s not a bad thing. I’m just nervous.


“Yeah, Shai. It’s okay. You can tell me, whatever it is.”

I breathe out heavily and say, “Theo, I’m p-pregnant.”

He gets a look of shock on his face then lightens up and says, “Shai, that’s great! We can become a whole family!”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m just scared, you know. I don’t know what it’s like to be a mother! I just got married!”

“Shai, we’ll get though this together. You and me. Okay?”


We grasp each other’s hands and Theo asks, “When did you find out?”

“About a week ago, after we went swimming the first day here. I think I’m only about a month along. We would have to go to a doctor to be sure. Wait! What about Insurgent?”

“We’ll tell them when we are sure and when we get back. You could get a stunt double.”

I nod my head and he smiles at me and we continue eating. We have to enjoy this while we can since we only have about a week left here.

Soon we get up and sit down on the beach. The sun is almost all the way set and we hold hands. I lay my hand on my stomach and turn to Theo. A soft tear runs down his cheek and I start to weep tears of joy. Theo leans down and put his hands on my stomach and whispers to it, “Hi, baby, I’m going to be your daddy and Shai is going to be your mommy. You will be here very soon.”

I say, “I love you Theo, and I love you baby.”

Theo looks into my eyes and says sweetly, “I love you too, Shai.”

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