Chapter 37

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Shai’s POV-

Nakho and I decide to go to the store with the kids to do some grocery shopping. We load the kids in the car and as Nakho is driving, my mind wanders to Theo. I just can’t get him out of my head despite his cruel action against me. Over time, my feelings began to get mixed. 

“Shai? You okay? You look zoned out.”

I shake into reality and say, “Yeah, I’m fine.” I take a deep breath as we arrive at the grocery store.

Theo’s POV-

I take my walk and I wander around without question. I enter a random store and my breath is taken away. Shai. And our kids. They are so beautiful. They look just like me and Shai. Their brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, and Shai’s now long, brown hair. I can’t help but silently cry. But Nakho’s there too. I stare at them for what feels like hours with tears flowing from my eyes. Before I can fully react to what I just saw, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to find Ruth. But Russel is at daycare. A pang of guilt fills my body.

She gives me a small smile and notices what I’m staring at. She tugs at my arm and tells me to go but I hear a small voice in the distance.



I run to Shai and she runs to me. I don’t look back. I put her head into my hands and kiss her with eager. She kisses back, with tears running down my face. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ruth and Nakho leave but I just close my eyes and take in this moment. I have my Shai back.

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