Chapter 36

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Thanks to @littlethormaid11 for helping me again! Please don't get mad at me for this! It will be worth it in the end!

4 years later

Shai’s POV-

All of the Divergent Series movies are over and I suffered through working with Theo. I want him back, but he was such a jerk for leaving me. We even got divorced about 2 years ago. I got back together with Nakho a year ago and I am really happy. 

I had the triplets and they are almost 4 now. Their names are Mila Elizabeth Woodley, Gwenyth (Gwen) Flynn Woodley, and the boy is named Tristan Elliot Woodley. The girls have brown hair, with Theo’s piercing eyes and my nose and face structure, while Tristan looks just like Theo.

Theo’s POV-

Ruth and I live in her small apartment near Shai’s old apartment. I am happy with Ruth but it just doesn’t feel the same. Even though we are just dating, I just have a lot of mixed feelings. Throughout these years, I have been thinking. But I know that both Shai and I have moved on from all of this.

Ruth walks into the living room, holding our 3 year old son. His name is Russel. He has my curly brown hair, with Ruth’s eyes. She puts him down and he toddles toward me. I put him into my arms. I put him down after a few minutes and I decide to take a walk.

I just need time to think.

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