Chapter 39

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Hey guys! So this is the last chapter of my Sheo Fanfiction, "Beating Hearts!" I hope you liked it and soon I hope to write a FourTris fanfiction and I hope you read it! Thanks for reading!

Chapter 39: Epilogue

Shai’s POV-

9 months later

The triplets are now 5 years old and I am 9 months pregnant. I am just about ready to pop and Theo has never been greater at taking care of me. 

The kids are playing in the living room with Theo and I and even Russel is over to bond with their half-siblings. Russel is still part of the family despite the odd relationship with Ruth and Nakho.

I say, “Ok, who wants to play...tickle monster?!”

The kids giggle and Theo and I tickle them all over, making them laugh with joy. I smile at Theo and start to laugh too. Tristan gives me a wide grin as I tickle him and I return it. 

Suddenly, water appears at my feet. I turn toward Theo with an exasperated look. “Theo, the baby’s coming.”

His expression turns concerned and panicked.

Theo dials the phone while he rushes to get our bag to go to the hospital. Ruth and Nakho arrive within a minute because they drove here so fast to watch the kids. Theo picks me up, bridal-style, and we drive to the hospital. 

We get into the hospital and Theo approaches the front desk, panting. “Hi, I need a doctor. My wife is going into labor. Please!”

I get into a wheel chair as a contraction comes. I grip Theo’s hand and all the way down to our room, Theo whispers soothing things into my ear. 

(6 hours later)

I squeeze Theo’s hand and I think I must’ve cut off the circulation in his hand. I can’t take this anymore, but then I hear the crying. My baby. Our baby.

“It’s a boy!”

I am too overjoyed for words. I look to Theo who has tears of joy running down his face. I am now crying too. They give me our baby boy after they check his weight. They tell us he’s fine and healthy. I look into our baby’s grey eyes and instantly fall in love with him. Theo’s nose, and my eyes.

Theo takes my face and kisses me softly and I kiss back. His lips are soft against mine. I get lost in his eyes and am zoned out when Theo asks, “What should we name him?”

I ponder this and says, “We could name him after my brother, Tanner. But his middle name could be Matthew.”

“I love it! And I love you.”

Just as we are about to kiss again, our kids and other family come in. Our kids jump onto the bed and we embrace them.

Theo says, “This is Tanner Matthew Taptiklis.” We all have the last name “Taptiklis” since we remarried. Our family is perfect and I love my family, and Theo. Our whole family’s flame will never die. We are all one Beating Heart.

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