Chapter 34

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My friend @littlethormaid11 wrote this for me! Enjoy!

Shai’s POV-

(2 months later)

I am now 7 months pregnant and things have been terrible. “Theo! THEO!”

Theo rushes in, thinking something was wrong. “Shai, what’s wrong?!”

“My feet hurt..can you rub them?” I say sitting on the couch. I feel like shit. These three little life sucking humans inside of me are sucking the life out of me. To add to that, my mood is all over the place. 

“Yes dear. DO you still want that lemonade?” Theo says from the kitchen. 

“Oh my god! Stop being such a wimp and doing everything I ask. WHERE IS THAT LEMONADE I ASKED FOR! YOU ARE SUCH A TERRIBLE HUSBAND! OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!” I say running over to him and kissing him. 

“SO what do you want to do?” Theo asks me. 

“I wanted you to rub my feet but I guess thats just not going to FREAKING happen. What was I thinking when I married you? I was thinking that you were the best person in the world! OH MY GOD! YOUR NOSE IS SO FREAKING HUGE AND FAT. But I love you for it!” I say. I think Theo is getting really tired of me. I have recently seen him acting weird. He goes out every Sunday night exactly at nine o’clock. What is he thinking? That is when Downtown Abbey is on. 

“Hey, babe, I gotta go.” 

“No, where are you going?” I ask Theo. I notice his nervous tick coming in to play. His eyebrows are twitching. 

“I, I have to tell you something,” Theo says scratching behind his ear. 

“What is it? You can tell me,” I say resting my hands on my ginormous belly. 

“I, I have been having and affair, with Ruth and she’s out of prison,” Theo says. After he says this I feel my world shatter around me. I pick up the lamp so conveniently placed next to me and chuck it at his head. 

“GET OUT!” I scream. Sadly the lamp missed his head. He walked out of the apartment. After he was gone I broke down.  (Not her water breaking! I REPEAT, NOT HER WATER BREAKING!)

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