Chapter 17

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Theo’s POV-

As the police car drives away, we both take a deep breath as a sign of relief. I turn towards Shailene and say with a deep sorrow, “Shai, I didn’t mean to hurt you. She kissed me. I didn’t kiss her. You know I love you and I will for the rest of m-”

She cuts me off and grabs my shirt and kisses me longingly. I give in and after a minute, we let go. We go to Shailene’s car and drive back to Shai’s apartment. 

We get through the door and Shailene lets out a scream. “Theo, you got a puppy?! Aw! Theo I love you so much!”

“I knew that you would like him. It’s a boy teacup terrier, so we would need a name.”

Shai then thinks and says, “How about Toby? You know like Tobias?”

“I love it,” I say and smile. Shai then gives me a smile back. I love her so much that it hurts.

Shai then says, “Hey Theo, I have a question.”

“Yeah, Shai?”

“Well, where did Ruth kiss you?”

“In the pet store..”

“Oh, I was just wondering. You know what, it doesn’t matter anymore. I love you too much.”

“I love you too.”

We then go to the kitchen to eat lunch. We get some PB & J sandwiches and sit down.

I say, “Shai, when are we going to start planning our wedding? I mean it’s May and we are going to start filming Insurgent soon.”

“Oh do you wanna have it in like August? We might be filming but we can have it on like a Saturday?”

“Sounds perfect.”

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