Chapter 10

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Shai’s POV-

I turn around and gasp. “Theo...,” I say with tears glistening in my eyes. 

“Shai, I know we haven’t been together for a very long time. But deep in my heart, I know you are the one. I knew it ever since I met you.” Theo starts crying and then keeps going. “You are smart, amazing, a wonderful human being, and absolutely beautiful. I don’t know what I would do without you. You make me a better person because you are my person.” Theo pulls out a blue velvet box and slowly opens the lid. It reveals a shiny diamond ring, lined with red rubies around it. It’s beautiful. Now I’m really crying. 

Theo continues, “Shai, what I’m trying to say is, will you marry me?”

Without hesitating, I say, “Yes! With all my heart!”

He slips the ring on my finger and he stands up. The ride is still going, but he doesn’t care. I jump into his arms and kiss his warm lips.

Soon the ride is over, and I am still only slightly crying. I take his hand and we go to our car. When we are in, I ask, “Theo, how did you plan this? I didn’t tell you about this until today.”

“Shai, I knew about this carnival and I knew that you would want to go.”

“Awe, Theo! I love you so much!”

“I love you too, Shai.”

Soon we were at my apartment and we settle down. But first, I had to call my mom about my engagement. I tell Theo and he insists on calling her with me. I let him and I dial her number.

“Hello? Shailene?”

“Hey Mom! It’s me! Theo’s here too by the way.”

“Hello, Mrs. Woodley. How are you?” Theo asks.

“Great! So what did you call me for? Don’t get me wrong, I love when you call but this seems random.”

I say with all the excitement I have in me, “Mom, Theo and I are engaged!”

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