Chapter 7

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Shai’s POV-

Today is the day of the premiere. Theo and I decided to tell the fans about us today. Officially. I am pretty nervous considering the latest events. But, the past two weeks have been fine, consisting pretty much of movies and restaurants.

I get into the old, gold dress, washed up and ready to go and put on my gold high heels. I then drive down to the hotel from before. You see, at the time of the last premiere, I stayed at a hotel even though I had my apartment because I didn’t have time to settle in. 

When I entered the hotel lobby, I see Theo in the same black tux and the rest of the cast such as Zoe and Miles. I walk towards Theo, and I grab his worn and tough hand. He whispers to me, “Shai, you look stunning. Just remember that I will never leave your side.”

I slightly nod and we walk to the car with Zoe and Miles. Zoe says, “Hey Shai. I hope you feel better. I’m here for you, ok?”

I nod and Miles says, “Shai, same here. If you need a corny joke, just ask.”

I smile at both comments and say, “Thanks guys. I really needed that.”

After another 5 minutes, we are at the LA premiere and anxiety takes over. Theo takes notice and he strokes my hand in soothing patterns. It calms me down and then the door opens.

When I get out, I am surrounded by screams and nice gestures with flashing lights and cameras. Theo and I walk side by side to get pictures done. He puts his hand protectively at my side and I put my hand on my hip and we smile for the cameras. 

After pictures are done, we get interviews. It’s time. To reveal our secret.

I take a deep breath and walk towards an interviewer with Theo. 

The interviewer says, “Hey guys. I’m Samantha. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?” We both tell her it’s fine and she proceeds. “Ok, guys, how was it like working on this movie together?”

I say, “It was a blast. We had a great time filming and it’s such a great storyline.”

“I agree. It was super fun and Veronica made a story that is unforgettable.”

The interviewer then said, “Ok, guys. The latest incident has everyone talking.” Then I look at Theo in the pause of talking. He gives me a reassuring look, and the interviewer keeps talking. “We just wanted to know if you guys were together? Or single?”

I take one look at Theo, who nods slightly, just so I notice it. I take a deep breath and grab Theo’s hand. “Yes, we are together. We are happier than we have ever been before because of it.”

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