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It's my time to shine~

Iris walked through big doors that had to be opened by two butlers. The reception party nearly took the entire floor. It was filled with important people. Heroes from all over the world, politicians and scientists, all of them gathered here to celebrate the opening of the I-Island Expo.

This was a very fancy party, if Iris had ever seen one. Someone walked up to her, carrying a tray of champagne glasses. She politely declined, resisting her temptation to rebel just because nobody knew her age, and it was a good thing that she did.

"Young Morningstar! What a surprise to see you here!" All Might was there, along with another man.

"Mr All Might! How are you?"

"I'm doing very well! If you are here, it means some other members of your class are too. Where might they be?"

"They will arrive a bit later. I was told by my manager to come a bit earlier to promote a collection."

"How delightful! Oh, let me introduce you to Mr David Shield, an old friend of mine." David put out his hand. Iris gladly shook it.

"Very nice to meet you, Miss Morningstar!"

Oh my god Iris you cannot mess this up, I will kill you if you do!

"It's such an honour to meet you, sir! I love your work, your studies are extremely interesting to read!"

"You read my studies? Glad you like them! Did they help you with anything?"

"Why yes,of course! They help me construct and program an entire mini holographic laptop. I bring it everywhere with me."

"Another young techie! Great job! You remind me of my daughter."

"Thank you very much, sir! Also, I met your daughter at the expo today, she is amazing. We had lots of fun."

"Glad to hear!"

Iris and David Shield spent the rest of the rime before the reception party actually started geeking out on math and technology. They got to do so because All Might was dragged away by a few other participants. Some designers came to join in with their conversation, complimenting Iris' sliver patterned dress.

Iris visited the lavatory to take a break from all the chatting. First thing she did was call Bakugou.

"What do you want, Eyes?"

"Nothing~, just wanted to hear your voice~"

"Tch, you called me just for that?"

"Nope, are you coming soon."

"Yeah yeah, we're coming. Let's see if Shitty Hair can bring us there."

"Hurry! I'm getting surrounded by strangers and I will loose it if I'm not with my classmates~"

"Whatever, bye."

Iris returned to the party just as it was about to start. Someone called for All Might to give an opening speech.

"Anyways, I'm not good at this kind of stuff, so let's get this over with-"

Some of the lights went off. The screen behind the number 1 hero completely shut down.

Armed men busted through the doors, holding guns to some people's heads, putting all the heroes on guard.

Villains. They took control of the security system. Glowing ribbons shot out from the floor and tightly wrapped around every individual with a costume.

"Get on the ground, now! And give us your phones!" The hostages did as they were told. Iris tried to sit as close to the stage as possible, keeping an eye on All Might. A glass dome was on top of All Might, revealing the next level.

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