Life's adventure | Mike Wheeler

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I'm in the eighth grade at Hawkins Middle School. I'm short, like enough to fit in with the sixth graders. Even though we live in a small town not many people actually know me for me. Everyone sees me as some quiet kid who is easily pushed around by others, I only focus on my studies, and actually had a shot on getting out of this shitty town.

Truth is I'm horrible at school. I hate it with everything I have. The only thing I like about it is music. I take band, choir and I'm in theater club. Most people don't know that I'm super out going once you get to know me. I play ukulele, and guitar. And I'm pretty at good at it too. I just don't want to share my talent with others yet. I'm shy when it comes to people I don't know. I'm not an extrovert. When I'm around someone I know I'm more in the middle but I'm mainly an introvert.

It was Saturday and I had gotten permission from Mrs. Lambert to come use the gym and practice. I like practicing in the gym better then in the auditorium. In the auditorium things echoed but, not like they did here. If I messed up I could tell. My mistake wouldn't be quickly covered up by more chords.

Lately I've been trying to learn Billie Jean by Micheal Jackson on the ukulele. So far I've gotten the parts all down. Separated at least. Today I'm gonna try to put them together.

I got my ukulele out and made sure it was in tune. I started to play here comes the sun by George Harrison. As I  had finished I looked up and saw the AV club standing there watching me from the door.

They all ran when they noticed I had seen them. Except Mike Wheeler. He stopped and stared. I waved at him and he sheepishly smiled back.

I laughed and continued practicing. I did it! I had put the three parts together and was doing it. When I finished up the song Mike was clapping in front of me.

"Y/n I had no idea that was even possible on the ukulele." He said in disbelief

"Anything's possible." You smiled up at him

"Like, maybe me kissing you?" He said lost in the moment

"Maybe." You smiled back

You had liked Mike for a few years now. And so had he. Your heart was racing and you were smiling like crazy. He leaned down and kissed you. The moment the two of you kissed that was it. It was the two of you for ever. No breaks, no long lasting arguments. You guys were inseparable. When one moved away to college the other shortly followed. In those few months you were a long distance couple things were hard but, you guys made it work. You guys went on to live your lives. Not caring we're you'd end up you got in the car and went on life's adventure.

Here's something happy 😃! I hope your staying warm and safe. It didn't even really snow where I live it's pretty much just beads of ice. I hope you enjoyed! Have a good rest of you day. Bye ✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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