New girl| Max Hargrove

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Your a freshmen and you are upset with your mom because he moved you to Hawkins Indiana. Your dad died shortly after you were born. You and your mom never had a good relationship in your opinion. You weren't upset that you were moving away from friends cause you didn't have any back home. You were upset because she moved you away from were you were born and thought you were going to spend the rest of your life at. Everywhere you went you stuck out just because. You had bark blue hair and normally wore black high waisted jeans with a (any color) crop top. With a plaid shirt tied around your waist. You always wore high top converse. You normally had you hair your hand in a loose pony tail that rested on your right shoulder with a baggy beanie covering most of you forehead. It was your first day of school. You got your skate board out of your garage that was filled with boxes. You grabbed you back pack and walked out of the house as your dad yelled goodbye too you. You didn't respond because the reason you guys moved here was so him and his girlfriend that you've never even met can get married. You skateboarded all the way to school. When you arrived you heard a guy say, "look max it looks like someone is stealing your game." You stopped and winked at a red headed girl making her blush.

You walked into the school carrying your skateboard under your arm. You walked to your locker as a group of kids walked and stood at the locker next to yours. You got out a pencil and a notebook out of your backpack and hung your bag in your locker. You shoved you skateboard into your locker. Before any of the kids realized you walked away and noticed out of the corner of your eye the red headed girl was staring at you. You continued walking not thinking about it.

Skip to break or recess or whatever you want to call it

You were sitting on the steps near the back door to the school. You were sketching a flower nearby. You looked up for a minute and saw two guys walking over too you.
"Hey I'm Dustin." The guy with curly light brown hair said
"Ignore him. I'm Lucas. And I was standing over there and couldn't admire how beautiful you where." The kid with short black hair and a bandana  on his forehead
"Uhm, hi." You said grabbing your stuff and walking away
"Dude this is why they always leave its because your just standing there awkwardly Lucas said
"No it's because you talk to much." You said continuing to walk as you saw their whole group laugh at them
You walked of to the fence and looked out at the scenery. You leaned against it as two guys and a girl walked over to you.
"Hey there sweetie." The boy with dirty blonde hair said standing in front of you
"One don't call me that. And two bye." You said walking past the three older kids
You heard one of them running over too you.
"Hey I'm Nancy sorry about Billy." The girl with brunette hair said
"Hey I'm y/n" you said casually
"Well I hope that you have a good day." Nancy said walking back to the guy with brown hair

Skip to after school

Before you left you got all of your belongings to see the same group of kids around the locker next to yours. You looked up and saw the red headed girl staring at you. 'Hi' you mouthed. She went red and looked back down causing you too chuckle. You started playing you favorite album and walked out of the school. You skateboarded to the skate park. Back at your home town there would have been a lot of kids at the skate park after school but to your surprise you were the only one there. You were practicing and fell a few times but got up and continued. After a few minutes the group of kids from earlier walked up the park. All of their jaws dropped seeing what you were doing. Apparently what you were doing was super advanced for Hawkins. Feeling awkward you walked over to the bench you had your stud set on and got ready to leave. The only one there with a skat board was the girl with red hair. You watched her walk up to the ramp. She did a few jumps. You put your stuff back down and walked over to her with your skateboard.
"Hey I'm just gonna give you some pointers you said
"O-okay." She said
"Alright so get on your board how you normally would," you grabbed her waist and positioned her differently on her board and was about to tell her what to do next until Billy walked over.
"Why the hell are you touching my sister?!" He yelled
"It's not like you care anyway." The red headed girl said picking up her board and leading you away from Billy
"Billy what the hell?!" The kid with brown hair yelled
"She was touching my sister!" He yelled back
"She was just helping. Now let's go." The guy said as Billy followed
"I'm sorry." The red headed girl said
"It's not your fault I should get going anyway." You said
"Hey I'm Max by the way." The girl said
"I'm y/n. Hey your brother sounded a little aggressive is everything okay?" You asked
"No." She said looking down at the ground.
"Hey we have no school tomorrow why don't you come over to my house?"
You asked as the two of you walked back over to her friends
"Yeah that's be great."  She said grabbing her stuff from a girl that didn't look like she quite knew why they were all standing there
The two of you stayed in the back kicking the whole Tim. You trusted her already and it felt like you two had known each other for your whole life. They were about to turn when Max said, "Hey I'm going with y/n." She said so they stopped turning. On your way you realized that you didn't know who any of these people were. "Hey really quick could you tell me who everyone is?" You asked
"Yeah sure. That's El or Eleven. That's Mike and that's Will. And I'm going to guess you know who Lucas and dustin are." She said
"Yeah I do. Uhm so are Mike and Will together?" You asked awkwardly
"No. But I wish they were but he's dating El." Max said
"Hey were here." You said turning
"Bye guys!" She yelled
The two of you walked quietly upstairs to your room.
"So is it just you and your mom?" She asked
"For now apparently she's getting married or something in a few days." You said walking into your unpacked room. It was the only unpacked room in the house
"I know how you feel about that." She said as she sat on your bed and you sat at you Spiny chair by your desk
"Do you know who he is?" She asked
"No. All I know is he has a kid my age." You said
"Oh well that can't be too bad can it?" She asked
"Can I ask you something?" I said
"Yeah sure." Max replied
"What is your sexuality?" You asked nervously just not showing that you were nervous
"I'm lesbian." She said looking at the ground
You stared at her for a while.
"If your not comfortable with that I can leave." She said standing up
You stood up, "no I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are." You said grabbing her waist and pulling her closer.
You turned around and closed the door. You walked Max over to your seat by your window. You and her sat down. You looked deep into her eyes. She looked deeply back into yours. And without think about your homophobic mom you kissed her. After a while Max melted into the kiss and allowed you tongue onto her mouth. You jumped and broke apart the kid when you heard you mom say she was home.
"Sorry but my mom doesn't know that I'm lesbian and she's homophobic so uhm..." Max cut you off with a peck on the lips
"It's ok my step dads homophobic too. Yet he has a gay biological son and a gay step daughter so I understand." Max said
"Hey mom I have a friend over." You said opening the door
"Ok hunny but he'll be here in a minute." She said
"Her fiancé is supposed to move in today." You said
"There here!" You heard your mom say as you and Max slipped out of the house
You and Max were to deep into a kiss that you didn't hear your mom tell his daughter to go hang out with you guys outback or that she was about to open the door.
"MAX?!" the girl whisper yelled
"Eleven hi... w-what are you doing here?" Max said rubbing her neck
"I live here and I'm guessing that that's my step-sister
"Yeah please don't tell anyone what you saw." You said
"I won't." El said calmly
The three of you sat down at the table. You just wanted to hang out with Max so the three of you made plan that you would all go to the mall but pick up Mike first so El wasn't alone.
"Hey mom were going to the mall." You said walking out
"Okay bye." She said as you closed the door
Mike snuck out of his house and hung behind with El. The four got to the mall and walked to scoops ahoy. Max walked into the back to find Billy and the brown haired kid making out.
"What the hell are y'all doing here?!" The brown haired kid exclaimed
"Obviously not here to watch the two of you make out Steve." Mike said as the brown haired kid got up
"Follow me." He said sounding annoyed
He led them to the movie theater. They had gotten there just in time to see love Simon. Not many people were there because it was about to gay guys but there was a girl in the same uniform as Steve holding hands with another girl in the front. You and Max sat in the middle after Mike and El went to find another movie. The two of you kept looking at each other. Neither of you seemed to be comfortable to make out with other people in the room.
"Fuck it." Max whispered landing a deep passionate kiss on your lips
The two of you began to make out. You don't know how it happened but Max was I top of you. You let your hands wrap around her waist and before you knew it you were sliding your hands into her back pockets. You heard the movie was over so the two of you quickly separated and walked out of the room. The girl in uniform turned around and mouthed 'good job' to Max causing her to blush. The two of you walked out of the theater and walked around for a little. Max's eyes lit up when she saw the arcade.
"Have fun."you said handing some money that you had in you jacket pocket
"Really?" She said
"Yeah" you said walking into the arcade
The two of you stayed for a while until Mike and Eleven walked into the arcade telling the two of you they were about to leave. The two of you followed them out. You guys got home and you mom and her fiancé were passed out on the couch. The three of you headed upstairs. Eleven went to her room and Max followed you to yours. You handed Max a pair of shorts and a jacket. You turned around to get changed and so did Max. You changed into some black pajama pant and a sports bra. You turned around to see that Max wasn't wearing the jacket you gave her. Max walked over to you and jumped on you. She pulled you into the best kiss you had ever had.


Ok. I know I said I would start getting into the habit of writing again but I have been super busy so here have the longest chapter I have ever written on this app. Specifically,2056 words. Bye for now.

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