Shy guy| Dustin Henderson

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In this Dustin,Max,Lucas,and Mike are all in the same grade

You have been going to Hawkins High for a year now and you had one bestie, Billy Harigrove. Billy let you see the side of him that no one ever saw except his mom who was dead. You knew Billy never liked any of the girls(Well in your opinion all of them were whores who you knew didn't like him) to keep up his reputation. You were friends with Steve Harrington but you two weren't as close as you and Billy.

You had walked to school with Steve until you guys arrived at Billy's house.

"I'll go" Steve said walking away knowing how you hate Billy's competitive side

"Thanks Steve" You said waving

"No problem y/n" Steve said continuing to walk and waved back at you without even having to look at you

You walked up to the porch and knocked on the door. You stood there for a few seconds until you heard someone walking toward the door. The door opened and reviled a short red headed girl.

"Hey Max" you say

"Hey y/n what are you doing here?"

"I was just-" You are cut off by Billy

"She's waiting on me" Billy said walking out of his house pushing Max out of the way lighting a cigerate

" Why are you with him?" Max said with a disgusted face

"None of your business dork" Billy said taking a long drag of his cigerate

"Whatever Billy. I'll see you later y/n" Max

"See you later" you say as Billy puts out his cigerate and grabs you hand starting to walk away

"So why aren't you walking with Steve?" Billy asked you interlacing ya'll's hands

"He said he had to help Dustin with something." You said stopping picking up a sunflower

"Uh, what is he helping Dustin with?" Billy said as as you stood on your tippy toes putting the sunflower behind his ear

"I don't know he didn't say" You said lacing you fingers with his again continuing to walk

You and Billy walked to the school. Before you two got close to the school Billy took the sunflower out from behind his ear and put it behind your ear, lighting another cigerate. You knew why he did this, even though you hated him not being his true self but you know he wanted to be treated with respect at least somewhere not even caring whether or not it those people were were his "friends" out of wanting to be popular or out of fear.

"I'll see you later Billy" you say walking away seeing Billy's "friends"

"Yeah bye y/n" Billy said

"Hey someone wants you to meet them in the AV room at lunch" Steve said coming up behind you putting his arm around your shoulder

"Who is someone?" you say

"I'm not allowed to tell you sorry you'll just have to wait till lunch" Steve said taking off his jacket putting it around your shoulders seeing how you were shivering because it was cold out. You looked over and saw that Billy's friends had all went inside because small flurries started falling leaving Billy alone in the cold. You take Steve's hand and run over to Billy and sit next to him. Steve sat next you not wanting anything to do with Billy.

"Who's trash is this take mine." Billy said taking Steve's jacket off your shoulders and handed you his jacket. You also knew that Billy didn't care whether or not Steve knew he had a soft side cause he knew Steve wouldn't tell anyone.

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