Happy V day|Billy Harigrove

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You had lived in Hawkins all your life and you didn't have any friends. Well you had a friend. That was Billy Hargrove. The two of you were practically joined at the hip from birth. In middle school you two were still friends but started drifting apart in middle school. You are in the 11th grade. You and Billy still talked but not as much. Each year you talked less and less.
It was February 14th. The day you hated the most. It wasn't because you were single. You hated it because it was a day to give couples a whole day to show how much they love each other. To you the whole idea was stupid because, people could do that every day of the year.
You were in you pissed off mood as usual on this day. You were walking past kids making out as you walked to your locker. When you got there you put in your locker combination. You opened you locker, grabbed you books and headed off to class.

Billy's POV
I was leaning against my locker which was across from y/n's locker. I watched her shove her way through the hall. I watched her slowly open her locker struggling with the second number, as usual. I had noticed we were drifting off. And to be honest it was my fault. Ever since I realized I had feelings for y/n I haven't really known how to act around her. She went to look over at her locker door. My face feel when she turned around to swat a fly away. I turned around quickly and acted like I was trying to open my locker. She turned around and closed her locker. I sighed and walked away.

Narrators POV
Today's was going pretty crappy for you. That was until lunch period. You went to put you stuff in your locker and realized a string was tied to a hook and lead out the locker down the hall. You put your stuff up and untied the string. You picked it up and bundled it in your hand as you followed it. It took you across the school where none ever was at lunch period. You turned into a room with the lights turned off. You went to look for a light switch. Instead you were greeted by a taller guy.
"Hey beautiful." They said in a deep voice that sounded somewhat familiar
"Uhm.. hi?  Who's this?" You asked
"Find the lights and you'll find out." The laughed
"Forget it I'm leaving." You said turning to the door
"Wait y/n I'm just kidding." The guy said turning on the lights
"Billy?" You asked to see Billy with a bouquet of marigolds, your favorite
"Y/n. The reason that we have drifted apart was because of me. I realized in the sixth grade that I was madly in love with my best friend. I have been planning this day since the fifth grade. Y/n y/l/n will you be my girlfriend?" Billy asked holding out the flowers
"Billy Hargrove. I have been madly in love with you since the day we met. And I would gladly be your girlfriend." You replied
Billy set the flower on the desk next to you and picked you up. You leaned down and kissed him.
"Happy Valentine's Day babe." Billy said
"Happy Valentine's Day baby." You replied

Who's ready for stranger things 4 (the teasers out FYI)

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