DDLG/ MDLG| lucas & Max

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Max's POV
It was another shitty day at Hawkins, as usual.
"Hey babe." Lucas said snaking an arm around my waist
"Hey babe." I sighed
"What's wrong?" He asked
"I'd rather talk about it later." I said as we started walking into the school

Lucas' POV
Okay. She's never gonna tell me what's wrong. That's the only thing I hate about dating Max is that she won't tell you what's bothering her.
We walked into class holding hands and sat in our usual desks in the corner of the room with the rest of the party. Everyone was talking but I was still focused on Max.
"Hey, you okay?" Mike asked putting a hand on my shoulder
"Yeah." I said as went too his seat
"Settle down everyone. Please take your seats. Today we have a new student who will be with us shortly." Our teacher said
"I hope it's a girl." I heard Dustin mutter under his breathe
I scoffed and continued too listen too the teacher.
There was a knock at the door about halfway through the lesson.
"Hello, this is, y/n your new student." The assistant principal softly spoke.
"Oh, thank you. Come on in." He said standing out of the door frame
This girl walked in. She was wearing bright red short overalls, a pale yellow t-shirt, and a pair of light blue high top converses. She looked around the room and I was still taking in her beauty. I noticed that she had a tattoo on her wrist. It was weird that a thirteen year old had a tattoo. I looked at more and eventually noticed it had two parental ducks and a smaller one in the middle of them. I thought it was kinda weird but whatever.

Max's POV
The only word I could think of. That's what she was. Little. My little. I just have to find a way too tell Max that I want to be in a poly relationship and that I have a DDLG kink.
Y/n's POV
I walked into the class room and looked around. I had noticed a group of kids in the corner but decided not too stare. Although I could definitely tell someone was staring at me.
"Y/n you can take a seat by Max right over there." The teacher said pointing to a girl
I smiled and walked to the desk.
Max's POV
Shit. One she's thick, two she's hot. How the fuck am I supposed to sit next too her and not feel this way.
I shifted in my seat as she sat down. I think Lucas had also been staring. Which normally girls would be angry at that but I couldn't have been more happy that he was.
I didn't focus during the rest of the class. I just couldn't stop thinking about her. Soon the lunch bell ring and we everyone started too leave the classroom. I knew that our teacher didn't eat lunch in his classroom so I could talk to Lucas. I stayed seated and so did he.
"Can you tell me what's wrong now?" Lucas pleaded as the last person walked out
"Yeah." I said turning so I was face to face with him
"I don't really know how to say this, but uhm. I kind of want to be in a poly relationship. Uhm if that's alright with you of course." I said fidgeting with my hands
"Yeah that would be great. Uhm but before we do anything, I wanted too talk too you about finding a little." Lucas said softly causing me too smile like crazy.
"That's exactly what I was gonna say." I giggled
"Let's go eat lunch." Lucas smiled standing up

Y/n's POV
I walked too my locker and got a book out. I walked out of the school. There were kids everywhere. I decided to sit against a tree that was farther away from people. I sat down and began too read, Stargirl. I loved reading. It allowed me to just get lost.
Eventually I stopped reading and looked up at the sky. Sometimes I wish I was up there. It seemed so peaceful.
I did this thing where if I saw a cloud that caught my eye I would quickly close my eyes, standing my tippy toes, fold my hands in front of my chest, and made a wish. Yes it seemed childish but I didn't care. I looked up and there was a cloud that was shaped like a dinosaur. I quickly stood up and did my ritual of you will.

Lucas' POV
We walked outside and Eleven ran over too Max and pulled her off too who knows where. I looked around and saw y/n. She was on her tippy toes with her eyes closed and her hands I front of her chest. I started walking over to her and saw her smile at the sky.
I don't think she saw me. She just went back and sat against the tree. I went and sat against the tree near her.
"Do you ever just want too disappear?" She asked looking at the sky
"Uhm, no. Why would someone want to disappear?" I asked confused
"Because it allows you to be wherever you want. It lets you be who you are with out being judged. Also there's no one telling you what to do." She said scooting closer too me
"Well when you put it that way." I said putting my arm around her shoulder without thinking
"What do you think a clouds purpose isn't?" She asked
She asked weird childish questions. So I'm assuming she's a little.
"Uhm, to rain?" I said
"That's the problem with people, the aren't as open minded as they should be. A cloud can't just be up there to release water. It has too have some reason. Or maybe too symbolize something not just rain." She said picking at the grass
"So I have a problem now?" I teased wanting too see her reaction
"N-no. I...I don't mean it like that. I-I.." I cut her off
"It's okay." I said lifting up her chin so she was looking at me
"Can I try something?" She asked
"Sure." I said
Before I knew it she was sitting in my lap, had her arms wrapped around my torso, and her head nestled in the crook of my neck.
I smiled and rubbed her back.
She was going too be ours.

Max's POV
The party and I were talking.
"Hey Max where's Lucas?" Dustin asked
"I don't know." I said
"Look." L gasped pointing too a tree that was a little far from where we were
"Lucas is cheating on you for the new girl." Dustin said
"Holy shit." Mike said
I just smirked and was glad he had already started. I ignored the party and walked over to them. Lucas looked up as I sat next too him. I grabbed his hand and leaned on his shoulder.
There we were. The three of us.

Y/n's POV
Not long after I had gotten in Lucas' lap Max cane over and sat next to him. I couldn't help but smile.
"Hey little one, would you like too come too my house after school?" Max asked
"Sure." I replied blushing at the name
—— after school ——

No ones POV
"What are you doing with him." L spat out in disapproval seeing Max was still with Lucas
"He's my boyfriend?" Max said confused
"But he cheated on you." Dustin chimed in
"No he didn't." Max said
"Ready?" Lucas asked grabbing y/n's waist as she walked up
"Yeah, let's go." She smiled holding out her hand for Max
They left without another word. Everyone was confused except for Will. Max has informed him in on what was happening at lunch.
"How was your first day, princess?" Lucas asked
"G-good." Y/n stuttered blushing
—— at Max's house ——
"Welcome." Max said opening the door
Lucas lead y/n too Max's room with Max following.
"So, y/n. We were wondering if you would want too join our relationship?" Lucas said
"Of course." Y/n giggled hugging Lucas
"Also, this is gonna sound weird but, do you know what DD..." y/n cut off Max
"I'm a little." She said
"Ok. So let's talk rules." Max said as Y/n sat down in her bed

1401 words. Dang. I hope you enjoyed. If you want a part two, let me know!

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