Drama pt.2

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You guys were a happy family.

You had dropped out of school. Steve was going too drop out as well but You talked him out of it. He got a job at the mall so he could help out.

They had named their child Elizabeth. Steve was the greatest father. Y/n loved too watch the way he treated her.

Even though y/n dropped out she was still getting letters and some people even came and told her to her face that she is going to be an unfit mother. But, y/n just didn't care anymore.

Sure, there were some times when they both were ready to just give up on being parents but, they knew that their choice had been made in the hospital. And they loved that they had made the choice they did.

"Babe what's wrong?" Steve asked coming home from work

"I-I'm scared Steve." Y/n cried into his chest

"Of what?" He asked

"That I won't be able to raise her." She said

"Well it's silly to be scared of an impossible thing." He said

"But it is possible. What if I can't raise her?" Y/n said looking up into Steve's eyes

"It is impossible because, one you can. And two, you have me. We can raise. We will do just fine at it to." He said calming her down

So, yeah it was rough but, they didn't give up. They couldn't. They had eighteen more beautiful years ahead of them. And after those eighteen years there would still be more to go.

They had made a choice. They couldn't go back from that choice. It had been decided. And they were happy it had been decided.

Yes, this one is only 286 words but, it's an update and it was requested. I wanted it too be longer but I think that this is good. I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day!

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