But I want both| [suprise]

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You just moved to Hawkins. You were adopted by the Wheeler family. You had been in foster care for practically your whole life. They had a girl your age (17). They had a boy that was 12. Then they had another girl who was 4. You had been there for a week now. But you arrived over spring break so you just spent most of your time cooped up in your room. The parents never really  acknowledged that you were there. The oldest girl was annoying too you since she was always asking you to do everything with her. You didn't know the boy that well since he was always with his friends. And if it isn't obvious you didn't want to hang out with a 4 year old.
Today was your first day of school. You didn't know that the family had already adopted you so you didn't want to impress the kids at school cause you weren't planing on staying for long. So you just wore some ripped jeans, a white shirt, red plaid shirt, and some converses. You got on the bus and walked to the back we're all of the guys were sitting but you didn't care.
"Hey up here." Nancy said
You ignored her and walked to the very back. You sat down and stared out the window the whole ride. The bus stopped one time but you ignored it and studied the part of town you could see from the bus. Before you knew it you had arrived at school. You slowly got up and we're the last person off the bus. You walked quietly into the school and straight to the front desk.
"Hi you must be the new student." A women says from behind the front desk
"Yes ma'm." You replied quietly
"The library is right out the door and too the left." She said before you could even ask
"How did you?" You start but get cut off
"Oh your just like your mother dear. Now get along so you won't be late for class." She says
You walk out of the front office really confused and trying to process what just happened. You didn't notice the two kids outside of the office that were talking and stopped while you walked by. You got to the library and decided to clear your head by reading. (Of course that's why your in a library). You were really deep in the book until you looked at your watch to see that the bell was going to ring in 5 minutes. So you checked the book out. And decided to put your stuff up in your locker and find your class. By the time you found it kids were now flooding the halls.
"Ah, good morning you must be, y/n" Your teacher exclaimed
"Good morning." You said back
"Based off your record I would expect that you would have been here earlier." He said checking your name on the roll
"I tried." You said looking down
"Well you can sit there in the back. Oh and (choose a book) very good choice." He said
You walked into the classroom to the desk he pointed at. You sat down and pulled out your book. You were about to start reading when the late bell rang as kids all in the hall were suddenly rushing to get to class. You closed your book as one girl walked into class. It felt like the most beautiful girl on Earth had just walked into the room. Than behind her the hottest guy you had ever seen. The girl walked over to you.
"Hey cutie, how you doin." She said as the guy looked really angry and annoyed at the same time
"He..." your cut off by the teacher
"Everyone sit down. Today is our pep rally as most of you know." The teacher says as the girl sits diagonal from you and the guy sits next to you. You and him quickly caught each others eyes. You had kept taking little peeks at him while when you weren't looking he would take little looks at you. When the two of you locked eyes you felt something. You didn't know what it was but it was something new and special you wanted to hold onto it but than the P.A system went off.
"Excuse me this is the principal speaking, today as you all know is the pep rally I have sent a list of which classes will go the gym at what time. Please note that the list is by grade level. Sorry 12th graders it'll be a while." The principal said
Well we're 10th graders so we won't have too wait long.
"Now class we leave in 30 minutes so in the mean time feel free to talk quietly amongst yourselves." The teacher said
"Hey., I'm Robin." The girl said turning around
"I'm y/n." You said
"And this Steve." Robin says pointing to the guy you had locked eyes with
"Hey." He said rubbing the back of his neck
"Hey." You said back with a little grin this time
Over the next 30 minuets the three of you had talked and talked till it felt like you had known each other for your whole life.
"Alright class you may go to the gym now." He said
Everyone got up lazily not wanting to go and walked out of the class. Robin, Steve, and I were the last ones out of the classroom. You talked and goofed off on our way to the gym. For once in your life You felt like You belonged. When you got into the gym you walked in to be greeted by your one and only annoying 'sister'.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I said as the attempted to pick me up
"My friend and I are....come with me you can't hang out with them." Nancy said
"One, don't fucking touch me. Two don't tell me who I can and can' my hang out with." You said
"Damn you got some attitude." Robin said backing you up
"But.." you cut her off
"No buts your not my sister and you never will be." You said and ran away with Steve ran after you
You ran out to the bathroom because you weren't expecting Steve to follow you on there. You were crying because you didn't want to be part of the Wheeler family but you also wanted to be part of a family. It didn't matter what family just a family. Steve ran into the bathroom to see you falling down the wall as tears began to roll down your cheeks.
"It's ok. It's all gonna be ok." Steve said sitting next to you and pulling you into a much needed hug
"I'm sorry it's j-just that I never have had a family I've been in foster care all my life and I just found out that the Wheelers adopted me. I d-don't even want to call them my family. And I just screwed up my chance." You said moving you head to were your face as buried into Steve's chest
"He if there that bad you can come stay with me. My parents are never home." Steve said
"That'd be nice." You said as he pulled you into his lap
The two of you stayed like that and stared into each other's eyes.
"It's time to go." Robin said sounding jealous
"What was that about?" You ask Steve
"I don't know. I've never seen her like that." He responded
"I'm gonna go check o her I'll see you later." You said chasing after Robin
"You has almost followed her around the entire school at this point
You didn't think she knew you were following her because she ran into the theater and never told you too stop following you. You followed her into your the theater to see her sitting on the stage.
"I may not show it but I'm happy Steve found someone." She said
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked
"It means that the one time someone likes him back it's the person I like." She said looking up at you for a second than back at her dangling feet

Hey this is going to be a part two so look out for that! Anyways bye!

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