He likes me| Mike Wheeler

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You got to Max's house. She saw you and immediately took you to the bathroom.

What did he do this time?-Max

My outfit-You say looking down

Oh I didn't notice that,.............so who's the lucky guy?-Max says raising an eyebrow 

It's.........You know what never mind it's no one-You say your cheeks going red

Hold on I'm calling El-Max says reaching for her phone calling El

Wait no...........MAX!-you say as El picks up knowing that El would be mad at you

Wait y/n why are you yelling-El

Max mute the phone now-You whisper to Max

Whats wrong-Max says muting the phone

I'm going on a date with Mike-You say Max looking at you shocked

Mike, Mike Wheeler your bully-Max

I know but trust me he's changed-you say

When was the last time he beat you up-Max

Last Monday-You

Ok but has he really changed that much?-Max

yeah I think so-You

Ok well can I at least do your makeup?-Max

Yeah fine-you

Hello? y/n, Max you there?-El

Yeah sorry I had to convince y/n to let me do his makeup-Max

Oh ok-El

You guys talked while Max did your makeup. She finished your makeup

Alright your all done-Max says 

Alright thanks-you say going to leave

Hey wait-Max


please be careful-Max

Ok I will-you

And I mean it-Max

Ok bye-you

And you head to the mall

Max and El's pov

Alright so where's y/n going?-El

To the mall-Max

Who's the guy?-El

It's.......It's-Max says getting cut off by El

Max don't lie who's the guy?-El

It's Mike-Max

MIKE FUCKING WHEELER-El said yelling angerly

Hey listen it'll be ok mama-Max said blushing you were the only one that knew El liked Max and Max liked El

W-what did you call me?-El said blushing

I I called you mama-Max

O-ok well we could go spy on y/n and Mike so if he does anything to Will-El says trying to ignore what just happened

Y-yeah that a good idea i'll pick you up in ten minuets-Max

Ok bye-El

Bye I love you-Max said hung up quickly regretting what she had said

Max had arrived at El's house and ran anxiously to the door

Hey m.......-El said getting cut off by Max pulling her into a passionate kiss like they've done it before

Will you be my girlfriend?-Max

Yes of course-El says pulling Max into another kiss and used tongue

Alright lets go to the mall mama-Max says putting her arm around  El's shoulder 

The two girls walk to the mall holding hands flirting.

Your pov

You and Mike had been at the arcade for at least thirty minuets and he noticed you were staring at Claire's every so often. So taking that in mind he walks up behind you while  your staring at Claire's and he wraps his  arms around you and kisses your head. 

You know you could have just asked right?- Mike

Sorry I just didn't want to upset you.-Will

i'm only upset when you don't have a good time with me-Mike says turning you around pulling you closer him staring into your eyes. He kisses you and grabs your hand pulling you to Claire's.

Max and El had made it to the mall and had been sitting outside of the entire time talking about how cute you two were and how Mike had  really changed. They were amazed about how Mike had actually took note about what you wanted.

The two of you had left Claire's and Mike had bought you a new phone case. You were super grateful and asked if you guys could go to Hot Topic. Mike says yes so you two walk there holding hands. You had gone immediately to the back losing Mike in the front store. You went to grab a D&D hoodie but you stopped and looked seeing another hand on your hand. It was Dustin.You were really glad to see him.

Hey sorry y/n-Dustin

It's ok-y/n

So why are you in Hot Topic-Dustin says raising an eye brow

Well I just thought it would be nice to come in here for a change-you say trying to sound like you weren't lying

Cut the crap your here with Mike aren't you?-Dustin

Yeah i'm here with Mike-you say


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