I'll teach you| Eleven Hoper

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Pretend Suzi lives in Hawkins or else this imagines won't make any since.

"Why won't she notice me?" You asked Dustin as the two of you were walking home from school
"Maybe because she's waiting on you to make the first move." Dustin told you for the like the one millionth time
"That makes since but what if I make a move and she doesn't like me." You said
"Just do it if she says no that's her problem." Dustin said putting his hands in his pockets
"Yeah true, lets make a deal." You said
"Ok what is it?" Dustin asked
"If you ask Suzi out I'll ask El. out." You said stopping and holding out your hand
"Alright, deal." Dustin said shaking your hand
"Ok tell me when you've done it." Dustin said continuing to walk
"Alright, see you tomorrow." Dustin said waving at you walking into his house
"I wonder when Dustin is going to ask out Suzi." You said out loud to yourself
The next day
"Hey I did it." Dustin said catching up to you after 1st period
"Congratulations." You said rolling your eyes unlocking your locker
"Are you mad at me?" Dustin asked as you slammed your locker and pushed him out of your way with you shoulder walking away leaving him standing there
"Yes in case you couldn't tell I am." You said walking backwards leaving him in confusion

"Alright class today we will have new seats." Your teacher said closing the door behind him as he walked in the classroom
"Johnathan your next to Barbra, Will your next to Mike,..........................., and finally y/n and Jane." After you heard this your stomach immediately got butterflies in your stomach
"Hey y/n I don't think we've ever met, I'm Jane, you can call me El.." Jane said as you immediately felt someone in front of you staring at you so you turned around and saw Mike staring at you like he was trying to send laser beams at you
"I'm y/n" you say quietly starting to play with your pen and starting to blush
El. giggled but you couldn't tell if she was giggling at you or giggling in nervousness. You sat awkwardly next to Jane and all you could feel was Mike staring at you and the butterflies in your stomach. Every once and a while you would look over at Jane who was focused on the teacher but all you could think about was her.
At lunch
"Did you do it?" Dustin said sitting across from you
"I'm about to." You said looking at Dustin
"Alright." Dustin said as you forced yourself to stand up
"I'll be back." You said turning away from the table with a note clutched in your hand
"Good luck." Dustin called after you
You took a deep breathe and slid the note next to Eleven and continued to walk to the water station. You got a cup of water and walked back over to your table.
"Dude, she's already coming over her." Dustin said as you turned to see a beautiful girl walking in your direction
You instantly got a huge anxiety attack as she slid the note to you and walked out of the lunch room.
"What did she say?" Dustin said as you shushed him opening the letter
You opened the note and read the note really quick;

              Meet me at the front of starcourt mall after school today.

"S-she said yes." You said staring at the note again
"Told you it was all in your head." Dustin said, "Why is Mike coming over here?"
"Fuck" you whispered as he walked closer to you
"Y/n let me see that note now." Mike said sitting next to you
"No." You said grabbing the note before Mike could
"Let me see the damn note y/n." Mike said with his voice feeling deeper
"Dude what's your problem it's just a note." Dustin said as the bell rang
After school
"Have fun with Jane." Dustin said as you say Mike stare instantly at you hearing her name
"Alright I'll see you later." You said walking off campus
You walked in silence. You would have called your brother Billy but there was no chance he would drive you anywhere. You arrived at the mall and sat on a bench waiting for El..
"Hey y/n." El. said walking towards you with a very angry Mike and his group of friends
"Hey El.." you said
"Don't call her that." Mike said staring dead at your face
"Mike it's fine I told her to call me that, you don't have to worry I call you to come pick me up when we're done." El. said walking towards you
"Ready to go in?" You asked as she grabbed your hand causing you to blush
"Y-yeah lets go" El. said as you interlaced your fingers together and walked into the mall
"Don't you dare fucking touch her." You heard Mike said in the distant
"So what do want to do?" You asked
"Well I heard It chapter 2 just came in theater, maybe if you wanted to we could go see that." El. said
"Yeah that sounds good, come on let's go this way I now how to get in free." You said walking into Scoops ahoy
"Hey dingus your child is here." Robin said as Steve opened the back window
"I can't keep..........  never mind y/n I haven't seen you in a month, come on." He said opening the back door
You and El. walked goofing off to the theater.
"This is us." You said arriving at a door
"Alright." El. said nervously
"Ready?" You asked teaching for the door handle
"Mhm." El. Said as you opened the door
"The two of you sat in the back and waited for the movie to start while the two of you got to know each other better
The movie started and the two of you got quite. El. jumped a few times but you grabbed her hand calming her down. At one point pennywise jumped out of no where and El. grabbed your hand and dug her face into you shoulder. You rubbed her back and she sat back in her seat still holding your hand with a strong grip. The movie ended and the two of you walked out of the theater El. still clutching your arm still scared.
"Hey it's ok." You said as the two of you stopped right outside the theater as you started to rub her back
"You sure?" El. asked
"Yeah listen it was just a movie it wasn't real." You said pulling er into a hug and resting your chin on top of her head
The two of you stayed like this. El. was taking advantage and smelling your perfume like it was something she had wanted to do for a while now. You started playing with her hair after you felt her fall into the embrace. The two of you stayed like this until you heard a very angry voice approaching the two of you. The two of you quickly broke apart to see what was going on.
"I told you not to fucking touch her." Mike yelled as El. grabbed your arm and hid behind you obviously scared of him yelling
"Dude whats your problem." you said as El. stepped out of the way
"My problem is you." Mike said pushing you back
"What did I do to you?" you asked
"Mike thats enough." Lucas and Max said each grabbing one of Mike's arms pulling him back
"You better watch you back y/l/n" Mike yelled as Max and Lucas dragged him to the other side of the mall
"Sorry about him." El. said looking up into your eyes
"It's ok he's just an over protective friend." You say reassuring El.
"What do you want to do now?" El. asked
"Well we'll have to leave the mall but I have a special spot we could go hang out at." You say
"Let's go there then." El. said grabbing your arm leading you through the crowd

The spot

The two of you arrived at this beautiful spot in the woods were the birds were singing and animals seemed to be hanging out with each other around the pretty area.
"Wow this is pretty." El. gasped walking to the middle of the spot
"Not as pretty as you." You mumbled
"W-what?" El. asked knowing what you said
"Nothing." You say quickly
The two of you eventually end up discussing your favorite movie (f/m). You were sitting next to Jane and the two of you looked into each others eyes. You don't know why you did it but you got up and kissed Eleven.
"Y-y/n (she stuttered saying your name) I    I don't know how to love." She said looking down embarrassed
"That's ok I'll teach you." You said kissing her a second time, but this time she melts into the kiss and it's the most passionate kiss you have experienced.

Finally done I have been working on this for days now because of all my school work so if I don't post for long periods of time it's most likely a family problem, personal problem, or school work. But I mean hey it's the ninth week of the first ninth week of school (at least here anyways) so I might be able to write more over fall break.

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