Drama | Steve Harrington

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"Get out of my damn house!" My mom yelled

"Mom please, I'm scared I don't know what too do." I cried as she threw my bags at me

"Well you should have thought about that before you got knocked up. Now goodbye!" She shouted before shutting the door in my face

This is it. This is where my life is going too go down hill. How the fuck am I supposed too tell Steve that my mom kicked me out because I'm carrying his child.

Why did I ever go too that fucking party. I should have just stayed with my cousin Billy.

Steve's car just pulled up in my driveway. I had totally forgot that him and I were going too hangout today.

"Hey ba..." he started as he got out of his car he ran too me seeing me sitting on my porch crying

"What happened?" He asked after a while of just hugging me

"M-my mom kicked me out." I stuttered

"Your mom, why?" He asked

"I'm pregnant." I said bluntly as more tears poured out of my eyes

"Shh, it's all gonna be okay. We got this." He said pulling me closer

We soon put my stuff in his car and headed off too his house. I unpacked and got settled in.

"Steve." I said quietly walking into the kitchen where he was looking down at the floor with a beer in his hands

"Steve?"  I asked again getting closer since he didn't answer me the first time

"Am I the farther?" He asked

"Yeah." I replied

"Good." He said putting the beer down and hugging me

—— eight months later ——

Steve was so great. He was always there for me. He made sure that he texted me during every class that we didn't have together.

Sure, everyone stopped talking too me and I no longer had a family but, I had Steve.


The lunch bell just rang. I was normally one of the last people out of the room.

"Hey Chubby." Nick (random guy with a random name I just thought of)

"What do you want Nick?" I asked packing up my stuff

"So, what are you gonna do when this child does get here, I mean surely your not keeping it. Or are you?" He snickered

I had, had enough of him so I punched him.

"I'm keeping it jackass." I said before walking out the door

"Hey babe." Steve said as I walked up too him

"Hi." I smiled


It had started. I was in labor in the middle of the hallway.

"Steve. I-it's time." Is all I could say

"But it's a month early." He said in shock

"Steve just get me too the damn hospital." I said sternly before he picked me up and ran me to his car

"It's gonna be okay." He said

I was breathing heavy. It was horrible. I just wanted her out.

"Just breathe, it's all gonna be okay." Steve repeated

We had gotten too the hospital pretty quickly.

"Help!" Steve said as we got inside

Nurses were quick. Everything was happening so fast I have no idea what was happening.

At one point Steve was on the phone and the next thing I knew Billy was there.

—— flash back ——

"Billy can I tell you something?" I asked as we were sitting in his car

"Anything." He smiled

My cousin was overprotective of me and was really kind too me. His little sister called me a whore one time and he threatened her. He probably would have done worse if I hadn't stepped in.

"Anything?" I asked

"Anything. Now just tell me." He said

"Please don't tell anyone. Steve doesn't know yet but uhm, Billy I... I-I'm pregnant." I said staring at the floor

"Really?" He asked

"Yeah." I sighed

"Steve is going too fucking die." He muttered

"Hey, that won't help anything or anyone." I said


After about an hour of pain and cursing  my baby had been born. Everyone had left, Billy was waiting outside and Steve was with me. He hadn't let go of my hand since we had got too the hospital.

It was great. We were a family.

@jj_collie_aid I am proud too say that your request has been published😁. Have a wonderful rest of your day and I hope you enjoyed!

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