Sweetie| Steve Harington

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You always stuck out at your school. You never exactly knew why but you did. You had only one friend and that was Dustin Henderson. You were never bullied by Troy like the AV club was. It was your first day of 12th grade. You were so ready to just get this year over with and move out of Hawkins. You had dated only one person in your life and that was Nancy Wheeler. The two of you had been dating since you were in the 7th grade. The two of you broke up at the end of last year. You never found out why but you knew she had her reasons so you never bothered her with asking.
You had arrived at school to see Hawkins most well known jock. Steve Harrington. You rolled your eyes as he winked at you and continued to walk.

Skip to break

You walked past Nancy who was staring at you with a look that you knew she was trying to hold back tears. You ignored her and walked into the gym. No one was ever there for break except the basketball team and the AV club(occasionally). A few days there would be just some random kids but you liked to hang out in there because you could focus. No one knew but you licked and were really good at singing. You also played the ukulele. You sat in the middle row of bleachers and began finishing the song you started yesterday. It had been half an hour and you were struggling with finding a rhyming word with (whatever word you want). You heard the coach blow his whistle meaning it was a break in practice. You were too busy and frustrated To hear or see one of the Jocks walking towards you. As he sat down you looked up rolled your eyes and started to get up to walk away. Before you could move he grabbed your wrist.
"What the fuck do you want?" You sighed
"Let's see. You." He said pulling you into his lap making you scream as he covered your mouth
"Put me down!" You whisper yelled not wanting the rest of the team to hear you
"If you meet me outside." He said loosening his grip on your waist
"Fine." You sighed
You got up and walked off the bleachers and out the back door. A few minutes passed and Steve walked out of the gym.
"Now can you tell me what you want so I can go." You said leaning against the wall [btw your were Steve and Nancy talked after the party (in season two I believe)]
"I already told you I want you." He said getting closer and putting his hand against the wall right next to you
"Ok and?" You said
"I want us to be something." He said getting a little closer
"Is this your way of asking girls out cause if so......" Steve cut you off with a very deep passionate kiss
"Your bad at it." You breathed
"Meet me at starlight. At 7" he said turning around going back into the gym
You stood there and was about to turn when you saw none other than Mike Wheeler your ex's brother.
"What the hell was that!?" He said
"Why do you want to know?" You said
"Because you just dumped my sister and by the looks of it it was for some stupid jock! You have no idea how hurt she is!" Mike yelled getting in your face
"Oh so that's what she's telling everyone. Well let me tell you something. In fact it's the quit opposite of the story she told you because she dumped me for no reason. I'm the one that is broken. I risked everything to date her. It's not like I wanted it to end. No go back to your nerd club or whatever." You said walking away from him as Nancy ran up behind him seeing that you were in his face
"What happened did she hurt you?" You heard Nancy say
"Don't fucking talk to me. For all I know your just lying right to my face again." You heard Mike say as he walked away
"Hey I'm sorry I treated you like shit." He said walking next to you
"It's no prob..." you were cut off by El
"What are you doing with her?" El said as the others just looked at him like he was crazy
"I didn't hear the right story." He said
"I'll see you losers tomorrow." You said messing up Dustins hair considering he was like a little brother too you

Skip to after school

It was 6pm and you were freaking out cause you didn't know what to wear. You decided just to wear some nice fitting jeans, a P!@TD T-shirt, with a red plaid shirt tied around your waist. You were rushing around your house trying to get ready when you heard a nock at the door.
"Hey I'm sorry." Nancy said as you opened the door and closed it right I front of her face
It was now 6:30 and it took you 30 minuets to walk to the mall so you went to leave the house grabbing your purse. You opened the door and was annoyed to see Nancy still standing on your porch.
"Make it quick." You said closing the door and locking it
"I really am sorry." She said
"Hold it right the last thing I heard apparently I was the one that should be saying sorry so goodbye Nancy." You said leaving here in your porch crying
You walked to the mall. You got the around 6:56. You walked to the front of the mall to find Steve waiting for you.
"Hey stranger." You said sitting down next to him
"Hey sweetie." He said kissing you

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