thats what I mean| Jane Hopper

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"Your so fucking gay Mike." You said jokingly hitting Mike in the shoulder

"Shut up y/n" Mike said hitting you back

"W-what does gay mean?" Jane asked causing the two of you to stop walking and just stare at her

"Mike how innocent is she?" You asked turning to Mike

"El..... I mean Jane when your gay it means that a guy like likes another guy." M,mike said awkwardly ignoring you

"What about when a girl likes another girl?" Jane asked looking up at you and quickly looking back at Mike

"When a girl likes another girl it means their lesbian." Mike said as you started walking away from them without them noticing

"Hey y/n were you going?" Mike called after you

"I gotta go." You called back 

"Alright see you tomorrow." Mike said

You had walked away from them and a few minuets later you heard what sounded like two people running right at you. With out thinking you turned around and was pushed right to the pavement. You opened you eyes and saw a very red faced Jane on top of you. She quickly got off of you and Mike ran to you to help you up.

"Hey psycho what were you doing on top of my girlfriend?" your boyfriend Billy said walking up to you and wrapping his arms aggressively around your waist

"I....It was an accident." Jane said as Billy walked up to her and pushed her into Mike

"And you too faggot what you doing here." Billy said as Mike helped Jane up

"Shut the fuck up Billy, and just FYI if Mike's a faggot so am I because i'm a fucking lesbian and I have been trying to break up with you for months now and what better way than to do it telling you that i'm gay!" You said getting in front of him looking right into his face

"Well how you gonna do that?" Billy asked walking closer to you

"This." You said smiling kneeing him in the balls

"Come on." You said running grabbing Jane's hand as Mike ran in front of you two.

You all ran until you guys reached Mike's house. 

"Are you ok, Jane?" you asked sitting down next to her in Mike's basement 

"I think so, are you?" Jane asked as Mike slowly and quietly walked out of the basement

"Yeah. Thats a nasty cut Jane I should help you clean  that. Be right back." You said getting up and walking into the small bathroom

"Hey Jane there is something I have been wanting to tell you for a while now." you said starting to clean the cut

"What is it y/n?" Jane asked watching you closely like she knew what you were about to say

"I like you." You said quickly

"I like you too y/n" Jane said 

"No I mean I like like you." You said 

"y/n I know thats what I mean." Jane said lifting your chin and kissing you deeply


2020 is almost here. In 2020 I will turn 13, I'm not really excited about it though. What are your thought about 2020? Are you happy, sad, or mad that the early 2000s kids childhoods are ending in two months? Anyways, I have just created a new story. It is a Jori fan fiction with a turn if your interested and will read it it would be great if you went and checked it out. Also I forgot to tell you guys that I am currently working on a Reddie fan fic and if you would read it please tell me in the comments. Thats all i have for you today and I did this because one, it's been a while since I have posted a story on here and two, I never ask you guys how your doing. So uhm, yeah bye and see you later friends.

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