But I want both pt.2

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"What did you mean by who you like?" You asked Robin
"I like you y/n" Robin said looking up at you
"R-Robin I like you too." You said looking down
"But didn't you say that to Steve too?" Robin said as you looked back up too her
"No, but I would have." You said
"So than who do you really like?" She asked
"Both of you." You responded
"But who do you like more?" She asked
"I like you both equally." You said as Steve walked in
"Hey, you ok, Robin?" Steve asked sitting next to you
"Yeah. I'm just confused." She said
"About what?" Steve asked
"She can tell you if she wants too." Robin said
"Well I....I like you Steve." You said
"You do?" Steve said
"Yes. But, I like Robin as well." You said
"So who do you like more?" Steve asked
"I'll answer the same way I answered Robin. I like you both equally." You said
"But that's not how it works." Steve said
"But that's how it can work." You said catching both of their attention
"What do you mean?" Robin asked
"I mean that we can be in a polyamorous relationship." You said
"Yeah i'd be fine with that." Robin said
"Sorry but, what is that?" Steve asked
"Oh you hopeless little boy. It's where y/n can date you and me. Or you and I could date and we can each both date y/n." Robin said
"Oh, so which way are we talking since your, les?" Steve asked
"The first way" Robin said
"Yeah, ok i'd be fine with that." Steve said
"So the three of us?" You asked putting your hands on theirs
"The three of us." Robin and Steve said
"Come on let's go back to the gym." Steve said jumping off the stage as Robin followed
"Ok." You said taking Steve's hand and jumping of the stage
You were in the middle holding both Steve and Robins hands. The three of you walked into the gym and Robin let go of your hand. Your smile dropped because you knew why. It was the 80's and it wasn't ok to be in the LGBT+ community. The three of you walked up to the top of the bleachers. You and Steve were still holding hands as you guys sat down. You, Robin, and Steve were laughing and you looked over to the floor to see a very angry Nancy and her friends storm out of the gym. 'Oh well' you thought and continued to laugh. The bell rung and the gym slowly became empty. The three of you walked out to go to your lockers. The three of you walked out of the gym and held each others hands because you were the only ones in the school now.
"Were could we go to hang out?" You asked since Steve had asked if we wanted to hang out after school
"The mall?" Steve said
"No!" Robin and I said at the same time
"Why not?" He asked
"Because no one can know about this." You said pointing at the three of you
"Yeah and you two can go out on public but y/n and I can't." Robin said
"Oh sorry I'll have to get used to this." He said
"We could go to your house." I said looking at Steve
"No my parents are home." He said
"Mine are too." Robin said as the two looked at you
"I think Karen's at the store with Holly." You said
"Come on let's go see." Steve said

——— at your house ———
"Come on." You said unlocking the door
You lead them up too your room (pretend Nancy moved into Holly's room so you have Nancy's old room).
"Sorry that's not much w....." Robin cut you off by kissing you
At first you were shocked and then you melted into the kiss and wrapping your arms loosely around her neck
Robin broke the kiss and Steve turned you around and kissed you very passionately.
"Shit! It's 2:30. Karen's almost here." You said breaking the kiss with Steve
"Is it ok if I stay?" Robin said as Steve was leaving through the back
"Yeah let me ask first." You said closing the door right as Karen walked in
"Hey, Karen this is Robin is it cool if she stays the night?" You ask
"Yeah that's fine." She said sitting down Holly in her high chair
"Come on." You said grabbing Robins hand leading her upstairs
You closed the door behind you and locked it. You walked over too her and kissed her deeply. She picked you up and bit your lip for permission to enter. You allowed. Your tongues intertwined deepening the kiss. She sat you down on the bed breaking the kiss. She pulled up your shirt and pushed you up on the bed. Before she could do anything else you were outing your short back on as quickly as possibly as someone nicked on your door.
"Hey." You said opening the door to see Karen
"I'm going out tonight. Nancy's at her friends. Same with Mike. Teds on a business trip as you now. I'm taking Holly to her baby sitter. And I'll be back in the morning." She said
"Ok bye." You said closing your door
"Were were we?" You said pulling off your shirt and walking over too Robin
Robin pushed you into the bed and leaned down and kissed you. As she was deepening the kiss she was unbuttoning your tight ripped jeans. She broke the kiss to pull them down as you took her shirt off. You both jumped to hear a knock at your window. You looked up too see Steve on your roof.
"What the hell are you doing here?" You said opening your window
"I wanted to see you." He said than he noticed you weren't dressed and gave you look
"What!" You said closing the window as he jumped into your room
"You." He said kissing you

——— skip to like 2 minutes later———

Mike's POV
"Ohh Steve!"
"Someone's getting nailed." Lucas said
"Is Nancy back with Steve." Dustin said
"No that's not her voice." I said
"So than who is it?" Lucas asked
"Oh, I forgot about y/n." I said
"Who's y/n?" Dustin asked
"My new sister my mom just adopted her." I said
"Sounds like there have fun." Lucas said
I started walking up the stair to tell y/n too nick it off.

Your POV
We all jumped as we heard a knock at the door.
"No ones supposed to be home." You whispered as you struggled to throw on a pair of sweat pants and Steve's shirt
"Keep it down." Mike said
"You aren't supposed to be here." You said
"Yeh I am. My no got the date mixed up." He said walking away
"I'm sorry." You said closing the door to see Robin throwing on her clothes
"It's ok." Steve said throwing on some pants
"Put on a shirt." You said to Steve walking back over to your bed
"I would if you hadn't stole mine." He said with a smile
"Oh I'm sorry." You said going to take it off
"No it's fine you wear it." He said pulling you into a side hug
The three of you cuddled with you in the middle and eventually fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed

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