Passion|| Steve Harrington

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You have lived in Hawkins all your life. You never really liked anyone. You had had a few boyfriends. None of them were really serious though. You were best friends with Steve Harrington.
You woke up and went downstairs to go get ready. As soon as you were done you ran out of your house hearing Steve honking the horn of his car.
"When are you going to get your car?" He asked
"Soon. Just drive." You said
"So you like anyone?" He asked
"I have answered this for four years and I will most likely answer the same way every time with no." You said searching your backpack
"Shit." You sighed
"What?" He asked
"I forgot my damn pencil pouch." You sighed
"I'm sure you won't need it." He said
"Whatever." You said zipping you your backpack
When you arrived at school you went to get out of the car but before you could get a foot out there was the screeching of a car. And by the time you were out of the car it came speeding into the parking spot right I front of you.
"What the hell man!" Steve yelled getting you out of the way as the guy got out
"What the hell were you doing in the middle of a parking spot?" He said raising an eyebrow at you
"Nothing. Mind your own damn business." You said
"Now you listen here you little shit! You don't talk down to me. Understand!" He yelled pinning you to Steve's car
"Get the hell off of me!" You yelled as Steve walked over and punched him in the jaw.
"Your gonna regret that." The guy said
"Come on y/n let's go." Steve said putting an arm around you
You and Steve walked to the school. When you walked in the school you went to your locker. When you were putting your stuff in your locker you heard people stop talking and girly whispers. You turned around to see that it was the guy from the parking lot. You rolled your eyes and turned back to your locker.
"He's so hot." You heard Carol say
'He's a douchebag' you thought
You walked to class. When you got in the classroom it was like your whole life was just ruined. In the seat next to yours was none other than the guy from the parking lot. You sat down in your seat. You pulled your book out and acted like nothing had happened this morning.
You were on your way to go eat lunch outside. On your way there all you could hear was talking behind you.
"He's so hot." "She's so lucky." Were  things you were hearing as you walked to the front of the school
When you started hearing 'I wish he would notice me like that' you knew the new guy was following you. When you got to the bathroom you went in there. He didn't follow you, so you just assumed he had played it off like he was walking outside and you just happened to be in front of him. When you heard things in the hallway go quiet you left and went to meet Steve at the front of the school. You walked out and saw the new guy standing across from the bathroom. You ignored it and went to meet Steve. When you got outside Steve was almost at the door.
"Where the hell have you been?" He said
"Keep your voice down and act like I wasn't late." I whispered taking his hand and leading him back to the table
"What's happening?" He said with anger in his voice
"I'll tell you later." You said as you heard the door open
"Who just walked out the door." You
"Billy, the new guy." Steve whispered
"Can we leave?" You said getting up
"Yeah." He said walking behind you
The two of you got in the car and as you were leaving the school you saw Billy get into his car.
"Don't go to my house or yours." I said quickly
"We're an I supposed to go?" He said
"The junkyard." You said
"Now can you tell me what's happening?" Steve said putting his hand on your thigh
"Billys been following me since home room." You said looking back to see if he was following you two and sure enough he was.
"Did he touch you?" Steve asked squeezing your thigh
"No." You said
"Good." Steve sighed loosening his grip
Steve sped up and took a short cut that no one knew about while Billy was stuck at a red light.
You looked out the window and Steve began rubbing your thigh. You liked it. It gave you this feeling you had never had. You looked over at him and smiled. When the two of you arrived at the junkyard you went in to the bus that you and Steve had turned into your hang out the first year you two met.
"Y/n I....I have to tell you something." He sighed
"What?" You said grabbing his hands seeing him get nervous
"I..I like you." He said
"I like you too." You said as he pulled you into a passionate kiss you
Passion. It was something you had never felt. Passion. It felt amazing. Passion. It felt meaningful. Passion. It felt real. Passion. You wanted to hold onto it forever.
"Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" Steve asked pulling away
"Yeah." You said with a smile pulling him into a hug
"I haven't seen you smile since we were in the seventh grade." He said as you continued to smile into his neck
"I love you Steve Harrington." You said
"I love you too y/n y/l/n." He replied


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