Not offical | Will Byers

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It was a nice day. You are in the 7th grade. You have long hair that is normally kept in a loose braid. You never take anything serious until it comes to Will Byers. You had been in the AV club all of middle school.(so a year) You have come close to Max Hargrove and Dustin Henderson. The seven of you were sitting outside of the school getting ready to leave. It was apparently the "best" day of the year. It was everyone in the groups favorite day but not yours. In fact you were always down on this day. You never wanted to stop them from celebrating their favorite day of the year so you just went along with them. Except this year. You didn't feel like getting dressed up and putting on a fake smile so you just left the school when no one was paying attention to you or so you thought. You walked home quietly. Instead of going home you walked into the woods and found a tree you could climb. You got to a sturdy branch and sat against the trunk. You got your iPod out of your bag. Plugged in your earbuds. And began listening to your favorite band.

You had heard your phone go off a few times but ignored it. Based off of the ringtone it was Mike. You assumed he was trying to figure out where the hell you were. It was now 11:00 pm so you decided you would start walking home. You climbed down the tree and walked out of the woods. You arrived at your side of the neighborhood too find that all the older kids were still out. You walked past a few drunk teenagers. You were almost to you house when you were attacked by some kid. You got up to see that it was Dustin.
"What the fuck Dustin." You said
"Sorry. I had to stop you."'he said
"Stop me? Why did you have to stop me?" You said not noticing kids were starting to circle you
"They wanted you." Dustin said as you turned around to see all of your friends
"What....PUT ME DOWN!!!!" You yelled as Mike picked you up
"Nope." He said calmly carrying you towards his house
"What the hell do you want." You said giving up
"To know why you didn't come join us." He said putting you down on the sofa in the basement
"Because I didn't want to." You said
"Why not?" Lucas said
"Because I never want too. I've never liked Halloween." You said getting up to leave
"What do you mean you never wanted to?" El said blocking the door
"It's none of you business." You said
"Tell me and we'll let you leave." Max said standing next to El
"My mom and dad died in a brutal accident on this night at 12 o'clock and I have never had a happy Halloween. Because after that I was moved here and put into an abusive foster family! Is that what you wanted?!" You said whipping away tears
"Sorry." They mumbled as you stormed out of the house
"Hey y/n. Are you ok?" Will said walking up to you
"Sure I'm fine." You said rolling your eyes
"Come with me." He said grabbing your wrist
"Ok." You sighed
You were too upset for your brain to process what you were going to say. It felt like the two of you had been walking for forever.
"Here we are." Will said leading you towards his house
"We'll have to go through my window because my dads here." He said leading you around the house
"What are we doing here Byers?" You asked
"Do you want to go back to your abusive family?" He said opening his window
"No." You sighed
"Stay here and be quite ill be right back." He said closing the window
You looked around and sat on his bean bag chair in the corner. A few minutes had past and Will walked into the room.
"Here." He said handing you some sweat pants and a hoodie
"Thanks." You said standing up As Will turned around
"I'm done." You said as he turned back around
"Holy shit! What happened." He said seeing the big bruise on your face now that you guys were in proper lighting
"It's nothing." You said as Will walked over to you
"That definitely looks like something." He said carefully grabbing your chin to better observe it making you blush
"Will I'm fine let's just go to bed." You said
"Fine but where talking about this in the morning." He said walking over to his bed
"Is it ok if we sleep together or do you want me to sleep on the floor?" He said turning around
"We can sleep together." You said giggling to see how flustered he was
You woke up to see you and Will cuddling. You blushed and saw that Will was playing with your hair.
"Oh I'm sorry." He said
"It's ok."you said as the two of you got lost in each other's eyes
"Is it ok if..... I...." Will started but stopped feeling awkward
"I don't mind." You said smiling as he started playing with your hair again
"Can we do this forever?" You asked not thinking
"I'd like that." He responded
The two of you got up after a few minutes and got ready.
"I'll see you later." He said as you walked away
You we're walking around the house when you stopped to hear a window open. You looked over and it was Nancy Wheeler. She just smiled at you and walked on. You snuck past Johnathans window.
"So where the hell were you?" A voice said as you were about to pass your house
"At a friends house." You mumbled turning to be greeted by your abusive brother
"Oh really. You know what that means right." He said
"Yeah." You sighed knowing you would be lucky if you survived what was about to happen
Your brother held up a fist as you closed your eyes. You stood there for a second but nothing ever happened. You opened your eyes to see Mike stopping your brother from doing anything.
"Come on Mike we have to go!" You said after Mike had managed to get your brother on the ground
"Pleas please please." You muttered banging on Steve Harrington's door
"It a Saturday morning what the hell do you want." Said an unfamiliar voice
"Please you've got to help us." You said
"Y/n what's wrong?" Steve said walking to the door
"He's after us." You said as the roaring of an engine started
"Come on you know the drill." He said opening he door up more
"How often does this happen?" Mike asked
"Too often for us to have a planned out schedule." Steve said
"So why's he here?" You asked when the four of you had arrived in the safe room
"Y/n this is my boyfriend, billy." He said
"Nice to meet you Billy." You said
"You too." He mumbled back
"So where were you this time." Mike said turning to you
"Im in a room with an overprotective friend and a person that could basically be my overprotective brother. What makes you think that I'm going to tell you were I was?" You said
"Because like you said were overprotective and we want to know." Steve said
"I was at Will's house." You mumbled has quiet as possible
"Say that again." Mike said
"I was with Will." You said quieter
"Byers?" Mike said
"Yeah." You said looking at the floor
"So are you two a thing or?" Mike said
"Not officially." You said we'll than "we'll make it official." Mike said
"After this." Steve said
"Ok." You said feeling embarrassed

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