Chapter 2

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A/N so I just wanted to be clear that this is 98% made up. The characters are NOT real and not based off of anyone! The concert events though, are real. If that makes sense. I don't know if anyone even reads these authors notes. 

Now this chapter is hopefully long and is a little more intersting then the first.(:



My summer was going by so fast. It was already the end of July and there was only a week until the Big Time Rush and Cody Simpson concert! Cori and I were beyond excited and we had two extra tickets so we invited Haley and Hanna.

        The concert date approached faster and faster has the big day grew closer. We had planned to be at the concert 5 ½ hours before the doors opened, just so we could have a chance to meet the band and Cody! I was so excited, every time I talked about it, I got goose bumps and butterflies in my stomach.

        Haley, Hanna and Cori were coming over the day before and spending the night. We were going to hang out at the mall, but not spend any money; that’s all for tomorrow.

        We were walking around the mall, when I decided to go into Forever 21; it was really weird. I don’t usually shop there; I shop at American Eagle and Aeropostale, but I knew Alli Simpson liked to shop here and I figured, eh why not?

        We were really just walking around since none of us had really shopped here before but it was fun picking up random clothes that were actually pretty ugly and then posing randomly in them. Cori and Haley actually found something they wanted to try on, so Hanna went over to the dressing rooms to wait for them.

        “hey guys, I’m going to go to the Sweet Factory, will you meet me there?”

        “ummm sure. But it might be a while, did you see how much stuff they took in there?” Hanna said, while laughing. I nodded and walked out.

        Sweet Factory was one of my favorite stores, ever. It was literally a sweet factory; it had walls of candy and chocolate. I usually spend so much money in there! They were the only store who sold my favorite candy; Lemonheads and those bananas that came in Runts. Mmmmmm, I needed to get some.

        I walked into the store all awkwardly because I was alone and some really hot guy was standing in front of my candy. I walked around the little store until the guy moved so I could grab my candy, pay and wait for my friends. I noticed the cashier left to go to the back room and the guy wasn’t at my candy anymore.

        I quickly grabbed a bag and filled it up with those two candies. I put about ½ pound of candy in the little bags the store gives you. Now I had to awkwardly wait for the cashier to get back. I looked around quickly to see if the hot guy left. I didn’t see him, so I took a step back to head to the counter.

“OW!” someone said, I turned around quickly, but ended up falling on my butt.

“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you were standing right there.” My cheeks were probably bright red right now, I get embarrassed so quickly.

“its ok, you were blocking my favorite candy.” I looked up and there standing in front of me was the really hot guy. He held out his hand to help me up.

“Thanks.” I said as he pulled me up. “so your favorite candies are Lemonheads and those Banana thingies?” Hot guy nodded. I really needed to find out his name, he looked so familiar. He was probably thought I was some creeper, I mean I kept starring at him.

“is everything alright?” he asked me, with some sort of confused expression on his face.

“I’m sorry, I think I know you from somewhere. Have we ever meet before?”

He shook his head no, then looked at me with his green eyes and did a little smirk, like I should know who he was. That’s when it hit me, I can’t believe I didn’t figure this out sooner.

“Are you…?”

A/N MWHAHA I'm so mean for leaving you guys with a cliff hanger! Ugh im so sorry, it isn't that long either. Ok I promise that the next chapter will be way longer. I'll add more detail or something. Stupid Mircrosoft Word and it having bigger font then Wattpad. This chapter was like 5 pages long on Microsoft -_- #disappointment

Untill next time! xoxo -imustbeinheaven 

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