Chapter 14

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    When the meet and greet was over, those same rude girls stayed after a little trying to talk to Alli, I couldn’t stand them so I stood up to head backstage, I came up with the excuse I had to get to work. Of course, Cody stopped me.

      “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.

      “To do my job?” I went to step around him. He stepped in front of me again.

      “if you’re leaving because of those girls…” dang, this boy is good. “Come on just hang out with us, I know you don’t have to work.” I shook my head no. “well you leave me no choice.” I looked at him confused; he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

      “Cody put me down!” he didn’t, but it was worth a shot. I gave up, trying to get put down, so now I just sat on his shoulder until he put me down.

      “Now you can’t run away, ok?” he said. Of course I was going to run away. He started to put me down, as soon as my legs hit the ground I started running but he caught me by my waist again. “You weren’t supposed to run.”

      “Run? Me? Neverrrrr…” I said avoiding eye contact. He kept his arm around my waist. I was being awkward, im kind of an awkco taco when im around people I like. I saw Alli looking at us smiling, and the other girls giving me dirty looks. Alli didn’t even say bye to them, she just started walking over to us.

      “No PDA near the fans please.” She said trying to sound like Jeff. Cody smirked and I laughed.

      “Wait so I can’t hug a normal fan?” Cody asked?

      “Well you can…” that’s alli needed to say because Cody had already embraced me in a hug. “She’s not a normal fan.”

      “Alli, come on, I was her life before she met Kendall.” I slapped his arm. They are never going to let that go are they? He smirked back at me but tightened his grip on my waist.

      “Well, she won’t be for much longer, by the way you talk about her and the way you look at her.” He blushed, I blushed. “Oops did I say that out loud?” She smirked and walked backstage. Thank the lord my phone vibrated.

      From: Jamez

      Hello third best. Can you come to our dressing room?

      “Well hes not getting a hug later.” I said, I thought in my head but I guess not considering the look Cody was giving me. “Oh, I have to go to the guy’s dressing room, so yeah.” I said all awkwardly. He nodded and I walked away.

      I arrived at the guy’s dressing room, “HELLO SECOND BESTS AND THIRD BEST!” I shouted, they were shooting nerf guns at each other, I grabbed what I thought was a nerf gun, but I didn’t look very closely. Turns out when I shot it, it was a paintball gun.

      “STEPHANIE GREY!”Kendallshouted, there was an orange paint spot next to where his head just was. I barely missed his head.

      “Im being serious, I didn’t know that was a paintball gun, WAIT, why do you have a paintball gun in your dressing room?” they al shrugged.

      “But as our revenge.”Kendallsaid walking towards me, creepingly. “get her.” He told the guys, and I took off running, hopefully no one was on stage or people weren’t in the stands cuz that’s where I was headed. I was running fast and they were gaining on me.

      I started running faster until I was almost to the stage. As I was running out onto the stage, I ran right into Cody.  “Steph, what are you doing?”

      “No time to explain, just run.” I said, pulling his arm.

      “But Steph, fans-“ I cut him off because soon we were on stage and the guys were shooting us with the nerf guns. “Uh, Steph, what do we do now?”

      “Get a gun or two? They are in their dressing room. We sneak up the stairs, and run.” I said looking at the stairs. The guys were coming closer. Cody nodded. “GO!” I shouted and we ran for the stairs, making it and leaving the guys to clean up their bullets.

      We made it to their dressing room before they left the stage. “Grab a gun, fill it with bullets and take a bag and fill it with another gun and bullets.” I said, he nodded. I got really competitive when it came to games like these with the guys. We got everything ready and I listened at the door for the guys.

      “Ok so just run to the left side of stage, and I’ll come in through the stairs.”


      “SHHHHHHHHH! I hear something. You are going to go first.” He sighed and nodded. I opened the door and he ran, and then I took off after him, hopefully the guys were waiting on stage. I made it to the stairs on stage and was walking down them when I saw a nerf bullet get shot across stage.

      I ran down the stairs, almost tripping might I add and I started shooting at the guys. I had no clue where Cody was so I was on my own. Four against one, was not fair but I was owning these guys. I was dodging almost all of their bullets, I couldn’t fire back though.

      “Youre going down Stephanie Grey.” Carlos shouted, across stage. I looked back to see Cody creeping up behind them. All of a sudden Cody is shooting at them and im shooting at them, they finally put their guns down in surrender.

      “WOOHOO!” I shouted and hugged Cody! We just beat those guys! We were giving the guys high fives when I looked out in the empty stadium. It looked cool up here. I could get used to this.

A/N so sory it took so long! ugh i'm going to try and post another part tonight since this was a major filler, I know. Thank You for the 350 reads<3

Until next time xoxo- imustbeinheaven 

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