Chapter 18

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      I started doing sound check with the guys every show; I was really surprised at how many of the fans actually liked me. I was so grateful for them because my mentions had very little hate in them every day.Logan was right; being best friends was different then dating.

      It was the end of August and I was supposed to be returning to school in about three weeks, I wasn’t going worldwide with the guys like I wished. I was so nervous at how people would react to me at school. I had spent my summer traveling, working(getting paid!) spending time with Alli, which meant I had a new style-some what.

      Cody and I had been growing so much closer, everyone just assumed we were dating but we hadn’t even been on that date he asked me out on in July. I know for a fact that if people found out we were dating; his fans would kill me…literally. Cody fans are some scary people.

      I was walking around the BTR meet and greet. It was so different from Cody’s, they had so many rules. I let fans take pictures with me and I signed some autographs and security was never too happy about it, but hey I was fine with it. I had so many people compliment me on my outfit(enter polyvore design here)

      At the sound checks, almost all the same questions were asked every single time, but they were fun, the guys and I goofed around on stage quite often. Every fan assumes Logan and I are dating, they even have a ship name for us I don’t know how I feel being referred to as #Legan. Yeah.

      This sound check was quite fun actually, the fans asked us to have a piggy back race on stage so we did and James and Kendall won. I was on Carlos’ back becauseLoganwanted to be the judge. Fans actually asked different questions about my relationship with the guys too!

      “alright guys, so this is the time where you can ask us questions about our relationship with Steph and questions to Steph about being friends with us.”Kendallsaid, I smiled. They called on someone who looked like she wanted to hurt me, oh my god.

“How did you guys decide to be ‘best friends’?” She asked, we all looked at each other.

      “Well we met and started hanging out-“ I started.

      “That question was for the guys to answer, you know cuz its THEIR meet and greet.” The guys mouths dropped.  I gave her a ‘really?’ look, and she just gave me the ‘yeah whatever’ look.

      “Actually, Steph go ahead and answer that question. We invited you here and she’s right its OUR meet and greet and WE make the decisions about who answers questions.” James said.

      That girl’s mouth dropped and she sat in her seat, “thanks boo, well like I was saying, we met, started hanging out and texting and we all just decided that we could trust each other with our lives.” I said smiling…nailed it! The guys smiled too. Carlos’ girl was younger than me but so adorable.

      “What’s your nicknames for each other?” I burst out laughing so hard, I fell off my stool. The guys were laughing too.

      “Well I call Kendall, Kendizzle or K3, depends on the weather. I call logan, Logie or LogieBear, Carlos is Carlitos, James is Jamez. And Kendall, Logan and Carlos are the second bests and James is third best.” I smirked.

      “I like to call Steph, Stephan.” Carlos said, I laughed.

      “I call her third best.” James started, “Actually no I call her Boo.” He smiled.

      “I call her Stephanie.”Kendallsaid, he’s lame ahah! The meet and greet ended after that and I headed off to Cody’s. Cody’s fans assumed I was dating him so some were quite mean to me. As I passed by to go sit by Tommy, I heard I few mean words behind me, my only thought; don’t kill them and don’t cry.

      A few fans asked Tommy for pictures, but he wasn’t allowed too. Some fans asked me for pictures, some ignored, some gave me death glares.

      “Stephanie, why are they so mean to you?” I heard Tommy ask. I looked up to him with tears in my eyes.

      “I don’t know Tommy.” I said shaking my head, he gave me a big hug, well big for him and I could feel myself almost cry but I held back the tears. Tommy let go and I just sat there on my phone until I felt someone’s hands go around my waist.

      “Whoever you are, please stop.” I said.

      “But I don’t want to let go.” I heard Cody say, that boy scares me some days. I smiled and stood up, giving him a hug; “Tommy told me about what happened, don’t let it get to you Steph.”

      “Easier said than done.” I muttered, we walked backstage with our arms around each other.

      “How about I make it up to you?” I looked up, “that date I promised you forever ago?”

      “I’d like that.” I said while giving him a hug.

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