Chapter 15

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Enjoy<3 I tried to get some drama in there, idk how I did.


    Instead of running off stage like I normally would’ve done, I just stood on stage and enjoyed what it looked like from up here. I missed dancing, this stupid wrist injury really ticked me off. Of course it was almost time for the show to start so I headed out to watch from the stands with Alli, rather than backstage.

      It was a lot of fun, no one really recognized Alli and of course no one recognized me! The show was better than the first time I saw it. After the show I had to walk back to buses with Alli and it was creepy, I then had to sit on the guys bus alone, until they got there.

      Instead of being a loser, waiting for the guys, I decided I would invite Cody and Alli over to play some just dance, I can still do that with my wrist! Alli said Cody had to shower but they would be over soon. I didn’t notice I had an unread text from Cody. Intersting…

----------------------------Cody’s P.O.V--------------------------------------

      “Codyyyy!” Alli was shouting at me, from 10 feet away.

      “Yes?” she pointed to the back room. I gave her a confused look.

      “Let’s chat.” She smiled, she was up to something and I was scared to know what it was. I followed her to the back room, and I sat down next to her. “So I saw you today with Stephanie, you looked like you were having fun.” I smiled, its true, I was enjoying myself because I got to spend time with Steph.

      “Yes and your point?” I asked, I knew where this was headed.

      “Come on Cody, its obvious you like her, she likes you, are you ever going to ask her out?”

      I smiled, “She likes me?” Alli shot me the ‘duh’ look.

      “Yeah, she makes it just as obvious as you do. Are you blind? Why do you think you were supposed to send that text?”

      I shook my head no, “I thought she likedLogan.” Alli gasped and hit me in the chest. “Owww, why the hit?”

      “Logan’s one of her best friends, that’s just wrong.” I nodded, I knew it was but I still told myself to believe it, “Cody just talk to her more, she would love it trust me.”

      I got up to walk away, “BTW we are going over there right now to play some just dance. Shoes on.” Wow thanks for the warning Alli. Alli and I walked over to the guys bus, which was quite a long walk, I don’t know why we parked so far away.

      Alli just walked in and shouted, “I HAVE ARRIVED.” I walked in quietly, I was still in shock Steph liked me. I looked up just as she was ending her hug with Alli, she walked over to me and held her arms out for a hug, well im fine with that.

      “Hi Cody!” she said, with a smile on her face, I smiled back “Let’s go play some Just Dance!” She said, and Alli did a little Whoop thing, I just followed behind them. Steph could do a lot but she sat back, watched, laughed and video taped Alli’s and I’s fails. I didn’t think I did all that bad but hey the way Steph was laughing you never really know.

      It was almost an hour and a half later when Alli decided she was going to leave. I was so nervous to talk to Steph. What if she read the text? What if Alli was wrong?

      “So Cody, what’s new?” She asked all awkwardly. Yup she definitely read the text. I was silent for a while, I just needed to ask her out. I swearLoganliked her. Next thing I know, she was snapping her fingers in my face, “Cody?” do it now Cody.

      “Will you go on a date with me?” I blurted out. She just starred at me. “Oko yeah that was weird, but I’m being serious, I’ve been waiting to ask you because I thoughtLoganliked you but-“

      “My best friend Logan? That’s crazy! But yes I will go on a date with you.” I was smiling ear to ear and so was she.

-----------------------------------Logan’s P.O.V----------------------------

      I’d come back early from the rest of show because I was extremely tired. I wanted to tell Steph how I felt but I didn’t want to ruin her and Cody. I was in the Friend Zone. I was walking up to the bus noticing two figures in the window. Either Cody or Alli. I opened the door quietly and started listening.

      “-I thoughtLoganliked you-“ Cody said but Steph cut him off.

      “My best friend Logan? That’s crazy.” I heard Steph say, I shut the door and walked away. She had no idea how I felt about her, and I was determined to never tell her. I put my beats on and put Pandora on, of course the first song was ‘Catching Feelings’ by JB. I felt a tear slide out of my eye as I looked back to the bus to see Cody and Steph hugging. Heartbroken, is what I was to say the least.  

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