Chapter 12

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A/N hello beautiful people of mars! So I hope this chapter is more exciting then the last like 3 fillers. I changed my entire story from what I had written down on Microsoft; it was taking to long to get to the point of the story. ugh.

enjoy (:


   "Come on Steph, I want to go into Forever 21." I groaned, I hated this store; but Alli loved it. She was tuggin me into the store when I got an idea.

   "Alli, actually I think Cody and I are going to go walk around a little. Find another store." I said, Cody smiled and Alli groaned, but agreed. Score!! Cody and I walked out of Forever 21 and headed towards what looked like a candy store aka heaven!!!!

   "Wow you must really like candy." Cody said. I looked at him questionly. "Your mouth dropped and I'm pretty sure your eyes got huge." I blushed. So I like candy, sue me? He started laughing.

   "Come on!" I said pulling his arm and pretty much running towards the store. We were laughing and hvaing a good time. I spent almost $50 on candy, Cody spent close to $10 because he's lame. We were now just walking around the mall waiting for Alli, I didn't really want to buy any clothes and knowing Alli she bought me something.

 I felt my phone vibrate, so I pulled it out and naturally it was Alli.

From: Alli<333

i wont be done until you tell cody you like him. whoops(;

I groaned out in frustration. Cody looked over concerned. "It's just Alli being crazy." phew I'm a good liar.  He nodded.

  "Can you hold this for me quickly?" He asked handing me his phone and heading to the restroom. I nodded and just stood all awkwardly in the middle of the mall. I thought my phone vibrated again, but it was Cody's. He had a text message from Alli too.

From: Alli 

tell her you like her, i have a good feeling about this.

My mouth dropped wide open. I locked his phone as I looked up and saw him walking towards me. I handed him his phone and we continued walking. I know he had checked the message because the walk was all awkward and silent. 

   "Ready for lunch? I can text Carlos and we can head out to Applebee's?" I asked him, he just nodded.  I texted Carlos and we headed for our little meeting place. This day went from good to awkward in a matter of five minutes. 

   We met everyone and piled back into the car. We were seated at lunch and everyone was making conversation except Cody. I decided to text him.

To: Curdddyyyy<3

what's wrong?

From: Curdddyyyy<3

nothing. just alli.

To: Curdddyyyy<3

she sent me a text too. what'd yours say?

From: Curdddyyyy<3

im supposed to tell me something. 

To: Curdddyyyy<3

Which is?

    He didn't reply, he just opened the message. Thank God for iPhones and being to know when people read your message. Dinner was un eventulful for the rest of the night, we all just chatted and recalled some of the good memories we all had together.

   It had to be almost midnight when we got kicked out of Applebee's because they needed to close. The guys and I got back to the bus and I plugged my phone in, I wasn't in the mood to talk to people. I sat down and started watching Pirates of the Carribean with the guys. It was almost three am before I fell asleep in my bunk.

-----------CODY'S P.O.V----------

It was almost two am, I was sure Stephanie was asleep. I needed to tell her anyways, I pulled out my phone.


i like you. 



lol so yeah thank you for almost 200 reads <3 I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, it took me forever to re type lol.Sorry for any spelling or any mistakes, I didn't really proofread :o I'll post the next chapter sometime next weekend, exam week is coming ): 

until next time xoxo-imustbeinheaven

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