Chapter 24

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*Steph’s P.O.V*

I grabbed Cody’s hand we sat down on my bed, “ok now the moment is over, talking time.”

“Look Steph, I know we’ve barely talked lately and I honestly don’t know why. I never wanted you to think that I was avoiding you, and I know my schedule at home has been jacked up and I’m sorry I get so jealous when you spend time with the guys, its just your mine and I want everyone to know that.”

I didn’t know what to say back to that. He was looking at me with that look that said please say something. I looked around my room, I saw picture frame after picture frame of Alli and I or Cody and I or the guys and I. I believed him and I forgive him.

“I believe you and everything, but I can’t just drop something I want to do just to be with you. I care about you and what to be with you more than anything but you can’t hold me back. And you have to stop treating me crappy, I’m sick of falling sleep in the guys arms every night crying.”

“I’m not trying too, I’m trying to show you that you mean more to me then what I’ve showed these past two months. I want this to work, I want us to work and I know we’ll agree on skyping every day and talking every day while I’m on tour but soon enough you’re going to after parties, I’m rehearsing late and what are we left with?”

“Are you saying you want me to come with you? Or are you just saying you don’t want me to do the acting.”

“neither, but falling asleep in the guys arms should stop. I want you to do what you want, but I want you to remember that no matter what I’ll be your boyfriend and you can’t just forget about me as soon as I leave.”

“I wouldn’t do that, if anything you’ll be the one with millions of screaming, beautiful girls surrounding you every day.”

“Yeah but they’re not you, you’re the kind of girl who makes me start to lose my mind, good and bad.” He smiled, I tried too but I wasn’t sure if I was supposed too.

“just so you know, I usually don’t give out second chances, so don’t mess up this one because after this there will be no third chance.”

“Got it.” He said while giving me a hug. I yawned and realized it must’ve been really late. I looked over at the clock it was only 10:30. I went over and checked my phone, Alli had sent me a goodnight text about an hour ago, apparently they were home now. I walked over to my drawer and pulled out my yoga pants and t-shirt to go change into.

“Going to bed?” I jumped, completely forgetting that Cody was in the room.

“Yes.” I said. He nodded and walked out the room. I went and changed. I came back out and walked across the hall to his room, he was sitting on bed facing the wall. I quietly snuck in and put my arms around his neck in a hug.

“Hi!” I said.

“I thought you were going to bed?” I shrugged. “Movie instead?” I asked, he nodded and turned on his TV. He was now leaned up against the wall with his arms around my waist I was laying down in front of him.

“What do you want to watch?” he asked while scrolling through On Demand.

“PITCH PERFECT!” I said, he gave me that seriously look and I nodded.

He started the movie and I swear halfway through it I was passed out.

A/N: major major filler but thats ok because ill update soon again.


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