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Absolute hell was all Classes A and B received for the next two days. To improve their quirks, they had to break through their limits. Quirks were apparently like muscles: when you tear them down, they heal even stronger. The students were forced to do the mist ridiculous things. From plunging their hands into boiling water and producing large explosions, to eating loads of cake while working out. Needless to say, everyone was worked to the brim for training.

Iris had to expose herself to the maximal amount of her aura without a break and destroy some rock beasts without touching them, only using her quirk. This was dangerous. Iris could not hold her maximal power for a full day with no end. Just using her quirk for a for minutes already gave her severe headaches. This time she got nosebleeds and almost fainted. But her determination to do her best did not stop her form succeeding. Somehow, Iris went through the full day if that, only taking minimal breaks.

"Everyone, do you best right now, because later...you will put against each other for a test of courage! Yay!" notified one of the Pussycats.

Test of courage? Like a haunted house? Sounds a bit boring, but I'll manage~

In truth, Iris had watched enough horror movies and played enough horror games to not feel scared in most situations. Only major jump-scares affected her. She hated them, because they made her randomly break items in her house, including her figurines.


"Bakugou, you're really good with a knife! It's unexpected..." What Uraraka said made Iris snicker.

"Huh!? What do you mean? How bad can you be at using a knife!?"

"There goes the capable side we haven't seen in a while..."

"Why is everyone still pumped up..."

Iris and Bakugou were both chopping vegetables for their dinner. She gave Bakugou a nudge on the side.

"Looks like you're a waifu, Bakugou~"

"What the fuck!? I'm not a fucking housewife."

"But you cook really well, and you multitask!~"

"That still doesn't make me a wife!"



"Now, we're filled our bellied ans washed the dishes! Next..."

"...it's time for the test of courage!" cheered Mina. She was waiting for this chance for the whole day.

Their celebration was stopped by Mr Aizawa's stern voice. "Before that, it pains me to say this, but the extra lessons group will be having class with me now."

Krishima, Sero, Satou, Kaminari and Mina were devastated with the news as they were restrained with Eraser Head's scarf.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

"Sorry, your training during the day wasn't good enough, so I have to use this time."

"Give us a break, please! Let us be tested!"

Ouch, good luck guys, so sorry for you~

"Okay, so Class B will be the first to be the scarers. Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your names written on them in the middle of the route, so bring those back with you. Those being the scarerd aren't allowed to make direct contact. Show us how scary you are with your quirks."

"The class that makes the most people piss their pants with creativity and imagination wins!."

"Pleas stop. That's filthy."

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