An Answer and Another Choice

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To say the least, it was a lot to take in. If Lefte was to be believed, these Nightmares were supposed to be some kind of terrorists! They were such a threat, that they needed to have control over all of Pyrrhia just to counteract them! And now, Deathbringer was not only telling her that he was a part of these terrorists, but he had been since the storm?! That he had met with their leader without telling her?

But on the other talon, it was Deathbringer she was talking about! The idiot who walked into walls regularly. The dragon had given up everything just to be her bodyguard. The dragon who was always there for her, no matter what... He wasn't a terrorist... Was he?

She looked at his face, that face that would make her warm inside whenever he wore that stupid smirk. But now, he wasn't smirking, he was pleading, begging her to see past all of the former...

She opened her mouth to speak but saw the way that he cowered at the very idea of her speaking, and her heart shattered. She closed her snout and rushed over to him, embracing him in a tight hug. "I-I'm sorry," she apologized. What had she been thinking? It was Deathbringer! She had no reason to be afraid of him! 

He noticeably relaxed as soon as she hugged him, wrapping his wings around her in return. The nightwing let out a shaky breath, obviously relieved by her choice. In all honesty, so was Glory. After spending years with him, getting so attached... she didn't think she could live without him!

It didn't take long for the moment to be over, however, as 3... creatures entered the room. In the presence of these beings, Deathbringer's entire body tightened. All 3 of them anthropomorphic animals.

One was a black male bear with a yellow star on his chest and a red bowtie; there was a bit of red fur on his cheeks, and he was missing an eye. The second creature was a red and orange vixen with purple fur on her cheeks and painted claws. The last one was in the center of the group and was an anthropomorphic wolf. His fur was grey, and unlike the others, his fur wasn't accented by bright colors. His left arm looked a bit damaged with small white bits that looked like they could grow into spikes. The thing that stood out the most, though, were his eyes that were a hypnotizing sapphire blue; they radiated a kind of calming energy, and if Glory didn't know any better, she'd say that they glowed.

Deathbringer released her and stepped in front of her defensively. The vixen got into a fighting stance but the wolf put his hand up to stop her. "Don't worry," he said finally. His voice surprised Glory. She had expected it to be deep and powerful, but listening to it now... he sounded like a teen! "We're here to help."

"Who are you?" Glory demanded, and a small smile appeared on the wolf's face.

"Well, you know these two," he said. The bear's missing eye glowed, and to the queen's amazement, red energy swirled around him and the vixen. After a moment, they were replaced by Rogue and Omniverse. 

"But my real name is Lefte," Omniverse, or rather, who she thought was Omniverse spoke up.

"W-wha-" Glory tried, but nothing came out. What was this? Animus magic?

"It's not animus magic," Lefte said, turning back into the bear. "it's Mystic Energy."

"We are an elite group of warriors who travel-" the wolf stopped at elite and glared at Rogue, who was snickering. "What? What's so funny."

"The fact you think you're elite," she said, and he rolled his eyes. 

"As I was saying," he grumbled, before straightening himself out. "We are an elite group of warriors who travel through the dimensions fighting the Nightmares. My name is Flint, and I am the leader of this group."

Lefte nudged him, and he seemed to remember something. "Right. I am also the Cawthon."

Deathbringer gasped quietly and took a step back. Does he know him? Glory questioned in her mind. She had so many questions! Thoughts swirled in her head uncontrollably, refusing to line up in a coherent train of thought. 

"We apologize for the manipulation," Lefte assured her. "We were trying to solve the issue as quickly and quietly as possible, but we realize now we made a mistake."

"Deal with what?!" Glory shouted suddenly, all of her confusion expressing itself in frustration. 

"It's what I said before," Rogue explained. "The end of your world."

"You mean Twisted?" Deathbringer spoke up suddenly, and they all nodded.

"He's a class 9 Nightmare entity," Lefte explained. "Class 9 refers to a world-destroyer."

"What makes the Nightmare's so dangerous?" Glory wondered. What could be such a threat that they require interdimensional warriors to intervene? How could something tangible be so dangerous as to be considered a world-destroyer?

"You know the stories, right?" Rogue questioned. "Of scavenger's ruling before dragons?"-- the queen nodded-- "What do you think killed them off?"

"The existence of animus magic is due to the Nightmare's tampering with the Mystic Crystal," Lefte added. 

"And most Nightmares are genetically engineered to be sociopathic and sadistic. They enjoy inflicting pain and misery," Flint added as well. Great, just great, Glory thought. Now, the question was what made them able to deal with this threat?

"Why us?" Glory's bodyguard questioned. "What made him choose this dimension?"

"Not sure," Rogue admitted. "We have intel that they're trying to change the timeline to achieve something, which is why they haven't destroyed it yet. Don't ask me what, cause I don't know."

Glory considered this, then looked at Deathbringer, who also looked thoughtful. Are they after Deathbringer? she wondered. No, that didn't make much sense. If they wanted Deathbringer, by now, they would have him, wouldn't they? Since they had someone inside of him?

"Deathbringer," Flint says. "Or, rather, Venom. Will you join us?"

There was a silence following, and the queen looked at Deathbringer worryingly. She knew that Deathbringer would say yes. That he would not hesitate to fight for a good cause. But it wasn't up to Deathbringer...

It was up to the Nightmare within him.

Hey everyone, sorry for my inconsistent and very infrequent upload schedule. It's been really hard trying to balance writing with school and my other responsibilities. I promise though, I'm not orphaning this story and will continue to upload as often as possible! Feel free to leave a comment...

Please leave a comment... I'm so lonely.

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