The Stranger

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The dragons who had come to the palace to seek shelter had mostly cleared out, either going to the center to find their families or to the hospital to get their wounds treated. Glory delivered a statement in the palace to announce that she was going to work hard to fix everything, and answered some questions before heading out to meet the strange visitor. The meeting was going to be held in the courthouse since if this dragon truly was responsible for the storm, they were technically a terrorist, or, more optimistically, she would only be charged with almost a hundred counts of dragon slaughter. 

After several minutes, the defendant arrived, accompanied by 2 guards. The dragon was a hybrid of sorts; they seemed to be primarily icewing with mostly white scales, but also some of the orange scales on her joints and the wide wings of a Skywing. The dragon stood tall and proud, her elongated kneck allowing Glory to see that the dragon had small text tattooed into the side of her neck. L-01.

"So," the dragon said impatiently. "Are we going to begin, or you just gonna sit there changing colors?"

"How did you start the storm?" Glory questioned. Who does this dragon think she is?

"I didn't actually start it, it was really... What did he want me to call him? Dangit I always forget these things...."

Glory couldn't help the bits of red appearing on her scales. "Don't play games with me."

"Hold on," the hybrid said with a frustrated look on her face. "Omniverse! Yes! Sorry about that, Omniverse is the one who started the storm. And he told me to come here and talk to you."

"About what exactly?"

"Ragnorak," the hybrid said seriously. "The end of life in this dimension as you know it."

Glory couldn't stop her own confusion appearing on her scales. Was this some kind of joke? Some kind of prank? 

"I know how it sounds," the hybrid admitted. "But this is serious. I know it sounds farfetched, but I'm an elite warrior, and I know of some very dangerous individuals will stop at nothing until they've destroyed all life in this dimension."

"And you are?" 

"You can call me Rogue," the visitor said slyly as if she was so proud of her name. The other guards seemed to share the queen's confusion, the Rainwing's scales slowly turning orange-purple. 

"Ok, Rogue," Glory spoke after a moment of silence. "You say that your friend caused the storm, correct?"

"Yes, but not on purpose," Rogue admitted. 

"Are you aware that this storm killed many dragons and injured more?"

"Yes, but again, it was out of our control," the hybrid said, clearly annoyed with the queen's insistent questioning. 

"You have still not told me how the storm was caused."

"There was a fault in our... methods," Rogue spoke carefully. "We thought that it wouldn't be a huge issue but it was."

"That's vague," Glory observed.

"It has to be," Rogue informed her ominously. "Or bad things could happen."

"Is that a threat?"

"NO!" Rogue yelled exasperatedly, then stopped and took a deep breath. The hybrid then began muttering something in a language unlike anything in the history books. "Nikolo Vacana Nane Chisbaska!"

"Ok," Glory said, done with Rogue's games. "Allow me to get this straightened out. Your friend, by methods you cannot disclose, caused a storm that killed nearly a hundred dragons and injured even more, and you are an accomplice. Am I correct so far?"

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