I'll Kill You

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"Looks like she couldn't handle the truth," Foxy said simply. Qibli hurried over to Moon's corpse, attempting to stop the bleeding, while the others stared in horror as the life drained from the nightwing's eyes

"Moon!" Qibli sobbed. "Moon, come on. Hang in there!"

"You're wasting your time Romeo," Foxy said indifferently. "She doesn't want to be alive anymore."

But the sandwing refused to acknowledge him. "Come on," he cried desperately. "Prove him wrong. You're the hero, Moon! You can't die here... we have a future together, you said so yourself..."

But his pleas went unanswered, and soon, the light in her eyes had been snuffed out... Qibli dropped her body in disbelief... she couldn't be dead... it wasn't possible... He looked up at the other dragons in the room, who were all staring with just as much disbelief as he felt. Then, he met Twisted's eyes. 

They were so... smug. Like he had just proved a point rather than just killed the love of his life. He didn't think about it, he just did. 

"I'll kill you!" he declared, leaping towards the cage. He was going to tear this fox to shreds!

Before his talons even made contact with the bars, he was gripped by the throat. "You brought me a snack, how thoughtful," he said as the sides of his mouth tore themselves opened, his jaw unhinging like a rainwings before moving toward the sandwing. 

The arm holding him suddenly ignited in blue flames, making the fox let go and howl in pain. Sunny and Clay both ran to aid a Qibli who had quite literally just looked down the maw of death.

Foxy loved it. He looked at the terrified dragons with glee. He was one of the very few who knew that fear was the most powerful force in the multiverse. At this moment, he is at the top of the food chain. 

Suddenly he felt something quite warm cover him, starting at his left. He turned to see Qibli, at it again, blasting him with fire. How stupid. Did he not get the memo? 

"Sweetheart," Foxy cooed. "You should know that does not affect me."

But the sandwing continued, and when he ran out of breath, he gasped, then started another stream of flame. Tears poured from his eyes as he tried his best to keep a steady stream of fire going. Honestly, it was starting to annoy Foxy how hot it was getting. Finally, Qibli could no longer hold himself together and broke down crying. 

"You killed Moon!" he roared.

"Correction, she killed herself," Foxy corrected, and the amount of hate that was in his eyes quite honestly caused even Foxy to be aroused.

"Everyone calm down," Glory demanded yelled, then glared at Foxy. "I have come to my own decision. This creature will be locked away for the rest of his life, whether it ends soon, or he is immortal. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"You have no way of justifying this," he said. 

"Every dragon in this room just witnessed you murdering this nightwing!"

"She murdered herself. Even if you were to claim that I murdered her, what evidence do you have to support that claim? She was reading my mind and then she just..." He did a thumbs down and blew a raspberry.

"Die," Sunny said suddenly. They all went silent, staring at the small sandwing. "I hope you suffer a violent death and rot in hell. I hope you never see the light of day again. So, I say we put it up to a vote. All in favor of letting this a**hole rot in a cell the rest of his life, raise your right talon!"

After a long moment of hesitation, everyone rose their talon. This was... unlike Sunny, definitely. 

"So," Sunny continued. "Glory asked once, but I'm gonna ask again. What do you have to say for yourself?

For the first time, Foxy looked defeated. He looked generally appalled by what was happening to him. He looked like he was about to throw himself against the bars in rage, trying to get to Sunny. But, he only stood there, staring blankly at the sandwing. Then, finally. After a seemingly endless silence, he did what nobody expected him to do. 

He laughed.

And laughed.

And laughed.

And laughed.

He laughed so much, that it no longer seemed menacing, but like he just heard a hilarious joke. He laughed alright, and he enjoyed it. He took his time to calm down, wiped away a tear that had manifested during his hysterics, looked Sunny right in the eye. And said:

"I'm going to kill you. Every single one of you. I will rip you open, and devour your insides."

"We're done here," Deathbringer declared, pulling the cloak over the cage.

"I'm serious," Foxy continued, then began pointing at random people in the room. "You're gonna die! You're gonna die! Yes, Clay! Even your dragonet's gonna die. And Qibli! You know that brother you never got to meet because your mother sold him at hatching? Well, even if you don't, he's still gonna die! And Deathbringer! You're future dragonet is gonna die too!"

Deathbringer stopped in his tracks, grinding his teeth. "Don't," Glory urged.

"Even that whole oath to abstinence completely falls away when he gets in bed with Glory. EXPOSED!!"

The nightwing suddenly lunged toward the cage. His skin melted away as his body turned to liquid, moved through the bars, rematerialized, then slammed into Foxy. Before he could react, Deathbringer grabbed Foxy's leg, wheeled it over his head, then slammed him back to the ground. He climbed on top of Twisted and roared, before bringing his fists down onto the fox over and over again. Die, die, he thought as he pummeled the fox. 

By the time he regained enough control over himself to stop, his fist, as well as Twisted's face was covered in blood.

"If you EVER speak that way about Glory and me again, I won't stop," he warned Foxy, who simply cackled. 

"Ok," Foxy said through a mouth full of blood. "But just one question. How would your mother feel about you breaking your oath?"

And with that, Deathbringer's rage was unleashed again. 

"Deathbringer!" Glory roared. "Stop it!"

But Deathbringer didn't listen. He was hungry. Hungry for Foxy's blood. After all of the pain Foxy had caused Glory, it was time for him to die. They tried to open the door and pull Deathbringer off of Twisted, but Venom stopped them from doing anything. Twisted had turned his own son against him... he was out for blood, too.

He felt a talon on his shoulder and whirled around, fist already raised and ready to strike. He didn't get the chance. He was instantly pacified as a knife was shoved against his throat, drawing blood.

And Glory was holding the blade.

Glorybringer: The Nightmare WithinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora