You Have The Right To Remain Silent!

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WARNING: This chapter contains imagery that some of you may find disturbing. 

When Glory found where the kingdom had relocated, not only were there hundreds of very confused rainwings and nightwings waiting for her but also 2 more very confused friends of hers. 

"Glory, what's happening?" Sunny asked, accompanied by Clay; and she swears she loves her friends, but Glory couldn't help but groan at their sight. Great, another person who I have to lie to, she thought. Or do I?

Lefte had told her that she couldn't tell anyone unless she absolutely trusted them to keep it a secret. She could trust her friends, right? Even Sunny had improved a lot. A secret as important as this one? She wouldn't dare let it get out!

So, she took them aside and explained everything. Since her castle was now Nightmare territory, they simply had to pull them aside and send Deathbringer to stand guard.

"A fox the shape of a scavenger but the size of a dragon?" Clay said in disbelief. "A parasite--"

"Not a parasite," Deathbringer said from his patrol. 

"A not-parasite living inside of Deathbringer's body?"

"Well, technically Deathbringer is living in Venom's body now," Glory corrected. "But... yes, that's the gist of it."

Sunny and Clay looked at each other, and Glory sighed. "You don't believe me," she realized.

"It's not that we don't believe... that you believe that..." Sunny said carefully. "But... please understand, it's really hard to believe."

Deathbringer landed next to them, and, without warning, transformed. He grew to 3x his size, except, this form was slightly different. This time, red energy formed spikes along his arms, and his eyes were red inside of white.

"Is that enough proof for you?" Venom questioned smugly. As expected, Sunny and Clay both screamed, before tendrils shout out to clasp their snouts shut. 

"Deathbringer!" Glory scolded. She was trying to avoid scaring them too badly! "That was mean."

"Their fault for not believing you," Venom said simply. Tears were starting to form in her two friend's eyes from the pure fear. Glory approached them slowly. 

"He can let you go if you promise not to scream," the queen told them, and they both nodded vigorously. She signaled to Venom, and he cautiously released the two dragons. Sunny let out a nervous laugh.

"Glory!" she squeaked, before clearing her throat. "I-I'm sorry for not believing you..."

"So... it's all true then," Clay realized with a nervous chuckle. 

"Every word," Venom confirmed, reverting to Deathbringer. They both gulped. 

"We need to keep this a secret," the queen reminded them. "If this secret gets out... it could spell out doom for all of Pyrrhia."

"Queen Glory."

Crap, Glory thought. Deathbringer had come to show Sunny and Clay but hadn't gone back to standing guard. She snapped around to find not one, but two dragons staring there. What? Why is there a sandwing over here?

Wait a minute... the second dragon... she recognized that nightwing! And now that she thought about it... she recognized the other one too! They were part of the Jade Winglet that defeated Darkstalker...

"My name is Moonwatcher, and this is Qibli," the nightwing continued. "I am a nightwing born under two moons. I had a vision of Foxy.

"Foxy?" Deathbringer questioned, and she hesitated.

Glorybringer: The Nightmare WithinWhere stories live. Discover now