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Today was the day.

Glory took a deep breath. She could see them, flying in from the horizon. This was the last trade group she had sent, meaning that Deathbringer would be returning with them. As much as she feared and dreaded facing him after sending him away for so long, she couldn't deny her excitement. She had missed him, that was no secret (as much as she tried to keep it one), and she wondered what it would be like to see him again.

A part of her still wished he was the same old Deathbringer as before. She wished that nothing had changed between them, and that they could go back to how they were before without anything changing between them... and yet... she knew that wasn't going to happen.

However, that did nothing to quell her excitement and joy as the large group of dragons landed in the supply center, where all the materials would be stored until they were sorted. Glory pushed through the crowd of tired dragons, looking for her long-lost bodyguard. In a sea of nightwings, she knew he'd stand out.

And stand out he did, but not for the reason she was exptecting. 

Her smile widened, and she approached him swiftly. "Deathbringer," she called, only for him to turn, and her smile to fade. A large portion of his scales were rough as treebark, as if they had been burnt and then hardened over and over. "Moons above..."

And then, when he saw her, his face hardened. Hardened. She had never seen him look so angry before. The entire time she'd known him, every time he got super angry, he had always expressed it in a fit of raw emotion before laughing it off a moment later. This was cold and hard... My anger, she realized.

"Not now," he told her bluntly, looking away. "I have work to do..."

Glory cleared her throat and tried to regain her composure. "O-of course," she said. "Come meet me in my office after you're done. It'd be nice to catch up."

Deathbringer was silent for a hot minute, before sighing. "Alright," he told her, before going back to talking to the others.

You really gonna do her like that, huh? Venom questioned.

"Don't treat her like she's the victim," Deathbringer growled. "She sent me away for almost a year and refused to talk to me! Excuse me if I'm not exactly ready to welcome her back with open arms!"

Really? Cause I noticed that you only hardened when she saw your face.


Deathbringer woke up, his head spinning, body aching. What had happened? He had failed, hadn't he? The fuel tank had gone right by her... and then suddenly it was really hot. It took him several minutes before he could open his eyes, and another while before he could feel his limbs.

I warned you it was a bad idea, Venom grumbled, and Deathbringer had smirked and looked up at the sky. 

"But it worked..." Deathbringer pointed out.

Yeah, it did, take a look at your work, superstar, the symbiote challenged, and he had. The entire armory was up in flames, smoke billowing into the sky. The fire had spread to the neary forest. I barely managed to drag us up here before we were consumed by the flames!

"Crap..." the nightwing groaned. He hadn't mean to cause such serious damage, he was just trying kill Alice Angel! "We... we should help put the fire out..."

And get closer to the fire? No! After today, I'm not going anywhere near fire ever again!

"Well... at least we managed to kill Alice..." Deathbringer pointed out. "Plus, we got away with nothing but a few little burns!"

Glorybringer: The Nightmare WithinDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora