That Wasn't Very Cash Money Of You

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"Alice Angel," Deathbringer echoed. How was this... thing, Alice ANGEL? 

I know right? Quite the ironic name for someone who looks like the spawn of the devil, Venom retorted, and had the nightwing not been paralyzed with terror, he would have made a snarky comment. Probably scolding the symbiote, saying Hey! Remember, all bodies are beautiful. 

But Alice Angel was already looking at him with hateful eyes. Which is definitely a generous statement considering she only had one real eyes, and the other was just a black hole in her face where that black slime oozed from.

"You stupid little fool!" she hissed. "How dare you!"

This had been her chance, to be beautiful just like the others... and Deathbringer had robbed that from her! Tore off her face with a punch when all she wanted was to have a good time! To enjoy her new form! Even if she were to try and keep the body, there would still a scar...

And scars are not beautiful.

Inky tentacles shot towards Deathbringer, impaling the ground as the nightwing flipped out of the way. He shot forward,  balling his claws to a fist and punching Alice Angel in the stomach. The moment he did, however, his talon went right through her, and the hole he made sealed right back up.

She's made of liquid, Venom told him. We can't beat her with physical attacks!

"So how do we beat her?" he wondered. Puss began to seep from Alice's skin, collecting on the ground. Suddenly, it shot toward him with surprising speed in the shape of a cartoon arrow. As soon as Deathbringer dodged it, in true cartoon fashion: it stopped, turned, and shot at him a second time.

"What is this thing?!" the rightwing roared as he flipped through the air in a desperate attempt to dodge the projectile. After it rocheted about 3 times, it finally seemed to wear itself down, hitting a wall before disintegrating. 

None of her attack follow normal physics, Venom explained. I don't have time to explain what a cartoon is, so just expect nothing to make sense!

Deathbringer began to retort, but was forced to shut up and fight as Alice lept toward him with a scythe, burying it into the ground. "Well, fire should work, right?" Deathbringer questioned, pulling up the flames from within him. Just as he exhaled however, it tore his throat apart, black goop falling from his disintegrating neck.

Are you insane?! Venom roared as the wounds healed. The nightwing ducked another swing from the scythe. Symbiotes are weak to fire!

"Then how am I supposed to beat her?" Deathbringer wondered. Judging from the laziness of her attacks, it seemed like she didn't fight often. Given her abilities, she probably specialized in undercover operations and would never need to get her hands dirty. Under any other circumstance, he would easily be able to beat her. However, since physical attacks didn't hurt her, and his only form of energy projection was now his weakness...

"We need to find other fire..." he reasoned.

Careful! Don't let anyone see you! Venom reminded him. And so Deathbringer took into the air, thinking that at least would keep him somewhat safe even if he flew low. Wrong. Alice Angel sprouted wings of her own made of that substance and took to the air. Now, Deathbringer was no scientist...

But what the fu--


Glory roared, throwing her books off of her desk before slamming her fists down, breaking it in half. It had been nearly a year since Deathbringer had left. While she had made some serious progress with the kingdom and telling the other queens about the situation (or at least the half-truths she came up with), she had been miserable while doing it. Every time one of his letters came, she would write a response detailing how much she missed him and needed him back. Then, she take a look around her room and in the mirror. Both were a mess.

Glorybringer: The Nightmare WithinWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu