Sent From Above

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Deathbringer had sent 10 letters to Glory in the previous weeks, and he had received 5 responses. He didn't think it would be so bad if even a single one invited him over, but no, every single one of them was telling him that she was far too busy to deal with him...

The more it happened, the less guilty he grew and angrier. But he was almost done anyway, so it didn't matter. He'd confront her at the end of the 200 Days...

Or so he thought.

Because it turns out that Glory had made an excuse for him to stay there. You see, he was to stay there for another 3 weeks to oversee the collection of the resources. So, he spent another month in the Sky Kingdom...

It took all of that for Deathbringer to realize something: it wasn't his fault, she just didn't want him anymore. 

It was clear that he just didn't matter to her anymore... and... he was ok with that. It occurred to Deathbringer that he was doing the exact same thing he had done with his mother, put her on a pedestal so that whenever she messed up, he blamed himself. But in actuality, it wasn't his fault, it was hers.

But he couldn't help but feel excited, because today was his last day in the Sky Kingdom. After being gone for nearly a year, he was finally going back to the rainforest. How much had changed since he had last been there?

Well, however much it had changed, it wasn't the only one. Since being in the Sky Kingdom, Deathbringer has had a lot of time to get used to his new various abilities. For example, Deathbringer could now create and control tentacles without Venom's help. Not just that, but skills like his omnidirectional awareness (some kind of innate ability to see in all directions at once), was now much easier to activate, and to handle whenever he did.

This came in useful when his entire body froze, and he focused on a female skywing who was striding through the streets, not a care in the world.

"What is it?" Deathbringer whispered, not wanting to draw attention to himself.

That Skywing is a Nightmare Operative, her name is Z-20, I believe you've met before.

The nightwing remembered the name. She had been guarding the Nightmare Base when he had first met Foxy... But before her scales had been torn and bloody... but... now she was somewhat attractive.

Don't go getting any non-Disney ideas, Deathbringer.

"I like my women how I like my milkshakes, thick."

You're a menace.

The nightwing chuckled before getting back to the problem at hand. "What is she doing here?" he asked, watching her through eyes on the back of his head as she entered a bar. 

Well, I believe there's only one way to find out. 

Deathbringer hesitated, but the choice was made for him as he was pulled into the bar by his symbiote. A live band played music, though judging by their playing, the band members were also hammered.

The moment he entered the bar, he felt her eyes on him. She was skilled. Had he not had enhanced instincts, he would never have been able to tell she was looking at him. Barely any of her eyes were visible, and she kept checking on him with subtle movements that could be easily mistaken for drunken sways or looking at the band.

He walked up and sat next to her directly. "That's quite a bit more direct than I was expecting..." she mused.

"I felt your eyes on me the moment I entered. No point in being coy," he figured.

"Well you could've at least humored me," she whined, chuckling. "Well, are you gonna buy me a drink?"

"If I do, will you answer a few questions?" Deathbringer asked slyly, and she giggled. 

Glorybringer: The Nightmare WithinWhere stories live. Discover now