There Is Still A Plan

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The way Glory looked at Deathbringer at that moment... that was so HOT. She had the look in her eyes. THE look. The look when you finally realize what is necessary. What you have to do. The look I had when I knew I had to kill my daughters. The look of pity, revelation, relief, guilt, loathing, compassion, danger, threat. It is such a beautiful look. The fact that Deathbringer has the potential to hit that only 10 days later, is not even surprising. The only thing surprising about it is that this dimension has the capability of Deathbringer waiting up to 3 more years before even considering it. It is... strange. Mortals are strange. 


"Stop it," Glory demanded fiercely, pressing the blade firmly against the nightwing's throat. "All of you."

"No matter how much you punch me," Foxy said. "It won't bring Moon back."

"Don't engage," Glory demanded. "He's only trying to get under your scales."

"I have already succeeded," Foxy insisted. "I mean, I succeeded so much, that now, to the audience, you are the crazy ones."

He was right... No longer was anyone looking at Foxy, but at Deathbringer, as if he was the monster... including Glory

"Deathbringer," the queen called, not removing the knife from his neck. "Step out of the cage."

"Glory I-" Deathbringer tried, but the knife was pressed harder against his neck. Just save it, Venom urged. I don't think she's in the mood to negotiate...

And so, Deathbringer obeyed. He slowly stepped out of the cage, before the door was locked behind him again. "We need to arrange for Moon's funeral," Glory said solemnly. "But understand... the details behind her death must be kept a secret."

"What?!" Qibli outraged. "How am I supposed to keep this a secret?!"

"I know it's hard," Glory said. "But we must maintain secrecy! Unless you want all of Pyrrhia to suffer the same fate as Moon!"

The sandwing stiffened and nodded. "I will inform her mother of her passing..." she told Qibli, then turned to her friends. "I'm sorry that we couldn't enjoy more time together... but there is business I must attend to."

Before they could respond, Glory stormed out of the cave, her bodyguard close behind. "Glory," Deathbringer tried. "I'm so sorry..."

"Save it," she demanded. "You better get yourself under control, Deathbringer. If you experience another outburst like that, you will be permanently fired from your position."


"Don't you dare tell me that you're under control. The slightest insult sent you into a homicidal rage, so don't bullsh*t me, Deathbringer."

"I can be better."

Glory growled in annoyance, turning away from him and launching herself into the air with one powerful flap. Deathbringer was stuck in place for a few moments, before hurrying after her. I've done nothing but fail her... he realized. First keeping my secret... Then leaving her to fight Twisted alone... Now, this...

"I'm sorry..." he said quietly, though he knew that Glory couldn't hear him, he still made this unheard promise. "I promise... I won't let you down again..."


She wasn't actually mad at Deathbringer.

She rarely ever was, really. He was always just... convenient, an easy outlet for her rage. And she knew he could take it because every time he always just shrugged it off. He had always seen it for what it was: she loved him, but she also loved to hate him.

But this time... this time was different.

Whenever they were flying together, Deathbringer had always, always flown close to her. To the point where their wingtips would nearly brush. But this time, Deathbringer stayed at a distance. Close enough to protect her, but just far enough... as if he was going out of his way to make sure she didn't feel uncomfortable.

But now, after living with his shenanigans so long... She felt uncomfortable without him so close. 

She should've known that it would be too much under all of this stress... She knew she should apologize, but she was far too busy to do so! There was so much to do, to think about. What was she going to say to the rainwings? How was she going to explain that they had to permanently abandon their homes for a reason she couldn't tell them?

There was so much to do... she just wanted to cuddle up next to Deathbringer and forget about this whole issue. To cherish that he was back from the dead after seeing him be decapitated by a kick.

But she couldn't... she had a responsibility to uphold... she just wished she had more time with him...


Disease. That was the best she could come up with? Some kind of infection in all of the plants in that area? Well, he guessed he couldn't be too hard on her... Twisted's plan put Queen Glory under a lot of pressure. 

 What was the final goal of this mission? Carnage had no idea. He was just there to carry out orders and have a little bit of fun in the process.

He had received a transmission from the Nightmares, telling him to retreat. Why? Again, he was given no reasoning other than "there is still a plan." So now, he was hiding out in the Scorpian Den. He had no idea why they decided that the Desert was the best place for a klyntarian, whose weakness was fire and heat, to go hide out and regain his strength; but once again, he was only there to follow orders. 

Of course, the orders hadn't mentioned anything about eating... so a few missing reports were popping up here and there. People go missing in the Scorpian Den all the time, right? Who would miss a dragonet here or a guard there?

Of course, the heat still took its toll on Carnage. His host kept trying to escape from his control. He was attempting every day, now. Of course, the weak-minded rainwing had no chance against such a powerful symbiote, but, it was still tiresome and very annoying. 

The dragons that may be a threat had all been eliminated, except for Peril (which, of course, there was a reason for). Animus, cataclysm characters, dragons too curious or smart for their own good.

There was still a plan... 

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