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This broadcast has been translated and revised from its original form for the viewer's experience.

Attention, T-03,

We have reviewed your request and authorized a further investigation into your case regarding the transmission. Upon inspection, we discovered that you were correct. Based on our findings, the mystic mentioned in the recording is highly unlikely to be M-01. 23 credits have been added to your balance, and 392 were taken to fund the expedition. The intermission was traced back to Universe 373. We are sending you to Control Center [REDACTED], located within the dimension, along with [TRANSLATION ERROR] credits for employees, weapons, extra needed research, etc. You may contact [REDACTED] to request further compensation.

I'm sure I don't have to remind you of the consequences that come with failure.

OBJECTIVE: Find and recruit the mystic. Enslave dimension once completed.




Only [TRANSLATION ERROR] credits, huh? Should've known. I can easily double it if I gamble right at Naga's Casino, but that'll still be cutting it close...

Well, then again, if I can sink the titanic, I can get a young mystic.

Glorybringer: The Nightmare WithinWhere stories live. Discover now