
697 7 1

Hello? Hello, hello? I'm not sure if this is going through, or if I'm just talking to myself here, but I have to pray to Cawthon that this works. Who I am is no longer important, the only thing is this: by the time this should reach you (if it works that is), he should already be there. But I must tell you, it was only the beginning. The gist is this:

A war beyond Pyrrhia is coming, 
A war that has been brewing since the beginning of time,
A war so powerful, it birthed gods from its soldiers,

A god is coming, but not one of hope,
A god of destruction, of malevolence, of death,
He sees millennia ahead, do not try to outwit him,
He'll kill you on a whim, without hesitation,
His brawn moves mountains at the snap of a finger,
Powerful, psycho, clever, dangerous, broken,

But one shall rise from the mother,
Who's right to choose, was taken from her,
From her tears shall raise a force,
So powerful, not even destiny may take its course.



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Communication Terminated~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Origin: Unknown

Speaker Identity: Unknown
Speaker gender: Male
Speaker species: Unknown
Speaker age: Unknown

Do not investigate...

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