The Nightmare Base

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Glory gulped as, in the distance, she saw the silver door, sticking out like a sore thumb in the absolute blackness of the old nightwing portal.

It had been a day since Qibli was trapped in the strange contraption. The pain had rendered the sandwing all but immobile, so Glory had to wait until her dreamvisit with Sunny that night. They had sent a few skywings to handle it, so the other piece should be getting to Foxy any minute now... But until then, she couldn't stop! She had already wasted a whole day, and Bendy was approaching fast...

So, following Twisted's instructions, she slowly approached the gate with the disk. She remembered his warning about X21, who apparently guarded the door... were they here now? Watching her? Looking around, the rainwing didn't see anyone or anything out of place... were they just that good at hiding?

She encountered no one on her way to the crystal room, which Glory found very eerie... Shouldn't there be someone guarding this supposed ancient artifact? She had to pass numerous security checkpoints with her disk, but there was no real security. Surely these interdimensional terrorists weren't on a coffee break...

"Where is everyone?" she asked Twisted.

"You do realize this isn't the only planet under colonization, right?" he scoffed. "Focusing all of our efforts on just one base would be stupid."

"But shouldn't there be someone?" she asked, only to be met a light chuckle. 

"Trust me, you'll see them soon enough..."

That was... ominous. In fact, this whole place was very unsettling. There was nothing specifically creepy about it but... just how plain it was, despite all the evil going on within. Smooth, hard, steel walls with flourescent lights above her, buzzing just faintly, surrounded her on all sides. There was no variation to any part of any wall, and so Glory constantly got deja vu, thinking she was just going in circles. Just follow his directions... she told herself. You're okay...

There it was. The door with the symbols Twisted had shown her. This door, along with the keypad next to it, was the first bit of color the rainwing had seen in what felt like hours! She swiped the disk over the screen, and once again, there was prompt for a zip code. Except, this was very different from the numbers she was used to! There were not 10 options from 0-9, but instead hundreds, each with a unique symbol. 

"Foxy... I see a keypad with a bunch of wierd symbols, what do I do?" she asked. On the other end, the fox groaned. 

"Crap! I forgot about that!" he cursed, thinking deeply. "Okay, I know the password... but I'm not sure how to explain it to you..."

"What even is this language, anyway?" 

"It's not technically a language, it's numerical system, the only universal system used throughout the multiverse, in fact. It's mainly used in the classification of dimensions."

"Okay... well how are you gonna tell me the code when I don't know any of these numbers?"

"I'm working on that..." he promised, before going silent for several minutes. Meanwhile, Glory was just stuck in the hallway, waiting. What if someone saw her? What kind of horrible things would they do? What would happen to Deathbringer, to the rest of Pyrrhia if she failed this mission?! All because Foxy was thinking?! "Alright, I got it! It's gonna be hella annoying, but you're gonna have to count each one out, okay?"

"What?! That's gonna take forever!"

"Oh, would you prefer if I instead taught you an entirely new numerical system? Would that be faster for you?"

"Fine, fine! Just tell me!" There was still the possibility of being intercepted. She hadn't seen anyone so far, but they could very well be lying in wait... ready to pounce as soon as she let her guard down...

Glorybringer: The Nightmare WithinWhere stories live. Discover now