Catching Up... Is That Thunder?

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Glory told them everything, starting from her piercing her Kingdom back together after Darkstalker ran amuck, about setting up The Constitution Of New Beginnings (basically a Pyrrhia Constitution) with the other queens, about Queen Ruby setting up Healing Centers for those mentally affected by the war, brushing past that time Deathbringer ended up getting drunk at a party, told them about how Jambu revealed he had a daughter, and ended on the rumor about the fox in the forest.

"You've really been busy, huh?" Fatespeaker admired. 

"It's really hard work, but the Kingdom seems to be doing well," Glory said, his throat slightly dry from talking so much. 

"I thought sorting the books in the library was tedious," Starflight said in disbelief. "Going through all of the formal complaints must be miserable.

"I'm just glad you haven't worked yourself to death," Sunny joked, earning a slight chuckle from everyone.

"Well, how about you guys?!" Glory exclaimed. "How is JMA! How are the students, how are the teachers?"

"Well, the school has really grown!" Sunny answered excitedly. "We had tons of new teachers now and they're all really passionate about what they do."

"Give it a month," Fatespeaker quipped, and Sunny laughed and punched her playfully in the shoulder.

"The newest student application is one we didn't expect," Starflight said. "Do you remember Peacemaker?"

"Peacemaker is applying?" Glory asked, and Fatespeaker responded with a quick nod. 

"He applied for a major in History," Fatespeaker confirmed. "And we also have optional classes that we call electives that students can take based on their interests. We have a cooking class, a gardening club, a theater class, an art club, a creative writing club, and a leadership club."

"What's a leadership club?" Deathbringer interjected, which was somewhat surprising. Deathbringer had stayed quiet for most of the meeting, but Glory was glad he was finally joining the group.

"It's essentially a student committee," Starflight answered. "They plan student-led events, like school dances-"

"And a rap battle!" Fatespeaker interjected loudly. "There was a rap battle once! Remember that Sunny?"

"I didn't know Qibli had such bars!" Sunny said, and Deathbringer chuckled at how the word sounded coming out of the Sandwing's mouth. The 3 were silent for a moment and shared a look. 

"I don't think I like that look," Glory stated nervously.

"Should we tell her now?" Fatespeaker asked the two dragons. 

"I mean, it's as good a time as ever," Sunny said. "Clay did say to mention it."

"Well now I'm really scared," Glory joked. 

"So, as you already know Clay and Peril got married," Starflight started slowly, and Glory gasped. 

"Did they break up?" Glory demanded anxiously and all three dragons looked shocked and shook their heads vigorously. 

"No no no!" Sunny assured her, and Glory sighed in relief. "It's actually pretty much the opposite, actually."

"Peril laid an egg that's due to hatch in just a few months!" Fatespeaker blurted, unable to handle the building tension any longer. Glory gasped and was stunned into silence. The queen coughed a few times before responding. 

"WHAT?!" Glory screamed so loud that a couple of birds in the area took off in surprise. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?!"

"We thought that you would want to hear it in person!" Sunny defended. "Saying something like that over a letter is a bit impersonal don't you think?"

Glory huffed in annoyance before she knew the Sandwing was right. Why did Sunny always have to be so reasonable?

"And... another thing," Starflight said slowly once again. "I and Fatespeaker got engaged 4 months ago."

Glory gasped again, and Deathbringer rolled his eyes. "Just now, huh?" he remarked, earning a hard glare and a tail whack from Glory.

"I'm so happy for you!" Glory said sincerely. "Just ignore the lump of coal behind me."

"That's sexy lump of coal to you 'mam," Deathbringer said with a weird accent. 

"Speaking of..." Sunny started, but GLory put a claw up to silence her. 

"Don't even think about it," Glory ordered, and Sunny laughed.

"You and Deathbringer still playing your little game?" Fatespeaker questioned. "Why haven't you two just gotten together already?" 

"Yeah Gloooooooory," Deathbringer teased then burst out laughing, earning himself a hiss and very nearly a few scratches across the snout. Luckily, Sunny seemed to sense that Deathbringer was going to be DESTROYED, so they moved swiftly on. Sharing more tales of funny stories, like the time the whole Jade Winglet was freaking out when they thought Turtle had disappeared, only to find he had been sleeping in the underground lake. Good times. 

"Oh my goodness I almost forgot!" Sunny exclaimed suddenly. "So, you remember the student Flame? Yes... that Flame. Well, after the incident he has admitted to Queen Ruby's healing centers! And he's doing so much better now! He even came back to formally apologize to the staff, the students, and Stonemover; and he's dating Umber. Oh! And, with his help, Stonemover is now mobile! It took some convincing but now Stonemover is also admitted to the healing center. And now-"

"Hold up," Glory interjected. "So... Flame is nice now?!"

"Yes, believe it or not," Sunny said insistently. "And he's dating Umber. Those two make such a cute couple!"

Glory tilted her eye ridge skeptically, but it was cut short by heavy rainfall. And I do mean heavy. "What in Pyrrhia?" Glory wondered. It was clear skies not 10 seconds ago. Why was it pouring now? 

"I guess we should start heading back," Sunny said, yelling to be heard over the heavy rain. 

"Not in this weather," Glory yelled back. "You guys can stay in the palace! We have plenty of spare rooms!"

Sunny hesitated, but the heavy rain was a natural motivator. Soon they were all flying back towards the palace, keeping their heads down to avoid getting rain in their eye. The sun had been completely blocked out, making it darker than a night with no moons. When Glory finally snuck a glance up, her mouth hung open. The clouds were dark black, ominous, and seemed to stretch far beyond the Rainwing village. Bright red lightning flashed through the air and struck the ground, lighting a small fire that was quickly put out by the heavy rain. 

"Glory!" Deathbringer yelled to get the Rainwing's attention. She hadn't realized she had stopped and was now hovering in the air. "Come on!" 

Glory began to follow him before a worrying thought popped into her mind. The search party, she realized. They're still out there. Will they come back when they saw the rain? It was protocol, wasn't it? The Queen didn't want to take any second chances. 

"The search party!" Glory informed Deathbringer. "I have to find them!"

Deathbringer looked conflicted for a moment before responding. "I'll come with you!" Deathbringer assured her. "Just come into the palace for a moment!"

Why? Glory thought, but brushed it aside when she shivered head to tail. She would get some supplies and then go right to the search. At least, that's what she would've done, if the moment she went into her room Deathbringer hadn't locked her in and sent guards to make sure she didn't leave. 

That damn Nightwing!

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