Just Checking Up On Things

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Preparations had worked out well. All of the queens and tribes had done their part, helping to create cover and weapons. The worry of not having enough soldiers turned out to be a foolish one, the army so large that there was trouble supplying everyone with weapons. So many dragons had fought for decades in order to create what Pyrrhia was today, there was no way they were going to let someone else ruin it again.

Foxy sat in wait, gathering his energy. His arm still hurt slightly from the last time, and he worried that this time the blast may kill him. But he had a plan for that. One of the perks of being a few thousand years old was that you learn to be incredibly resourceful. Foxy has fashioned a new vessel for the crystal, a watch-like device that would allow him to activate the crystal at will. It was like Thanos' gauntlet, except a lot less sweaty and a lot more powerful. It would come in useful later. 

"How long?" Winter asked from behind Foxy. Since obtaining the mystic crystal, Twisted had been enjoying his time outside his cage. He hadn't caused any harm, really, but he hadn't exactly been following orders, either. He had been traveling quite a bit over the past few weeks, so he ran into dragons quite a bit.

The first time he had seen Qibli and Winter, they had both tried to murder him... you can imagine how well went...

"3 more hours," Foxy answered. "If she's alive."

"If this doesn't kill you," Winter informed him. "I will personally finish you off."

"You won't," Foxy said matter-of-factly. "It's not possible. This crystal governs the Spectroverse, while you govern a small pen of scavengers. If this crystal can't finish me off, then you most definitely can't. So, you better pray that it does."

Winter stared daggers at Foxy, who stared entire arsenals into Winter. Winter shrugged it off and walked away. 3 more hours. Foxy thought. 3 hours, then I'll be put back in the cage. He wasn't going to spend his last hours contemplating his boredom, no. He was going to make sure the pieces were in place before he made another move. He first made a visit to Possibility, then sneakily made his way over to the outskirts of town, where a family of Sandwings was staying for the time being. Foxy found a nice dark alleyway and listened. 

"How long will you and the fam be staying in Possibility," a sandwing asked Foxy's target. They were all having a nice barbecue in their backyard, the kids were running around and playing while the adults stood and talked. 

"Just about a week," the target, Pyramid, said, confirming Foxy's suspicions. "But we may come back out after that. I brought them all here to increase the kid's diversity, I didn't want to know only Sandwings. But with all this Bendy business there's really no one in town to get to know. And those who are, have all locked themselves in their homes. Pheonix is on board with the idea, she loves the city."

"I hear ya," his friends said, and Foxy left, bored with this. The second visit he paid was an old friend. He went over to the Ice Kingdom and found small cave south-east of the palace. He entered slowly until he saw blood on the walls, then began walking normally. At the end of this cave, he found a seawing trembling on the floor, not from the cold, but from fever. The terrified dragoness looked up at Foxy but was much too weak to make any attempt to escape. A red mass separated itself from her and went over to Foxy.

"WHAT?!" Carnage demanded. "Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Bendy is going to lose," Foxy informed him. "We always knew this, but judging from how prepared the dragons are, I'm starting to worry if all of the necessary dragons will die that day."

Foxy gave Carnage a lense the size of his palm. "This will highlight exactly who needs to die that day. Another target will be more out of the way. In Possibility, there's a sandwing name Pheonix. Kill her and her two daughters, Quicksand and Sunrise."

"Isn't that Pyramid's family?" Carnage remembered when Foxy wouldn't shut up about them, and how important they would be in their plan. "Just who exactly does he become?" 

Foxy grinned evilly. "No one knows, one can only predict."

And at that Foxy left again, off to his next errand, a lab under the ground. A certainnNightwing was fumbling with a computer, still trying to wrap his head around it. They had hired him because he was one of the most brilliant minds in Pyrrhia, and had no problem doing what they call in the biz "f*cked up sh*t" in the name of science; but it would definitely take him a lot of getting used to the Nightmares' advanced technology.

"How is she coming?" Twisted asked. 

"I have no way of knowing that," the scientist grumbled. "She won't even be concieved for another two years. How do you even know it's going to be a girl? If what you're saying is true, then there's a high probability that it's going to be a boy."

"It's going to be a girl," Foxy assured him. "Trust me. But what I meant was how are the programs running?"

"The genetic code modifier isn't going to work. I can't figure-"

With just 5 buttons, Foxy solved the equations, and the design was a success. The nightwing stood there in awe, before looking at Foxy bitterly. "I would've figured it out."

"Eventually," Foxy agreed condescendingly. "If you need help, ask your staff."

And then, Foxy was gone again. He made multiple visits, some of which were for fun since he hadn't been out for a while. But once he was done, it was only ten minutes until he would bring her back, and maybe, just maybe, ten minutes before he died. 

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