It hurts...

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Queen Glory made her way through the Skywing Kingdom, Deathbringer at her side. It had been renovated, now looking more like a modern city than a village! 

Advertisements flapped away on lightposts (which had recently exploded in popularity after Mastermind invented them), dragons milled about their business until they saw the queen, their eyes widening as they stepped out the way. A missing poster with a picture of Flame was carried down the road by the wind.

They finally reached Queen Ruby's castle, where the rainwing couldn't help but feel a little salty that she still had a castle palace. Queen Ruby met them, and, after dismissing all guards but Deathbringer, began the meeting.

"I can't help but feel a bit skeptical that you refused to let me bring a bodyguard, yet you stay well protected..." Ruby informed her.

"I understand your suspicion," she assured. "And I thank you for your cooperation. But first... I just need to ask if I can trust you-- and before you say anything! The reason I need to know is that this secret... if it gets out, every dragon in Pyrrhia will die."

Queen Ruby stared at her for a moment, before her brows furrowed in determination. "You can trust me."

Queen Glory took a deep breath, looked at Deathbringer, and gave him the signal. The nightwing nodded, and in an instant, he was Venom. 

"Good evening your majesty."


He really thought this would be easier. He really did!

He'd had to wait longer, but those times he at least had something to do! But there was nobody to play Uno with when you're in a dark cage! Twisted was alone with his thoughts, and he always loved to be alone with his thoughts, but he'd already thought out everything! He had his plan, and now he just has to wait! It was like in Minecraft where you have everything planned out, but can't get started until this stupid iron smelts!

Except it was a stack of 900, and he needed every piece...

But it would be worth it in the end... The Nightmares would gain, as to their current knowledge, the most powerful mystic in the history of the multiverse. One capable of killing gods and devils alike. With it... they'd win the war in a matter of weeks!

He wouldn't let this get him down... not even all the times his old self came out, resulting in him sobbing and desperately attempting to end his own life.

Just... a few more years...

God, please end me... Please... It hurts so much....

Just a few more years.

Short chapter, I know. But the next one will be longer!

Glorybringer: The Nightmare WithinWhere stories live. Discover now