Twisted The Fox

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"Welcome, Deathbringer, to your new future," the voice said, though, no matter which way he looked the nightwing looked couldn't find the owner of the voice, but he didn't get to look long as he was suddenly forced down into a bow. 

"You called," Venom stated respectfully. Deathbringer could barely stand being so close to the blood that covered the floor. He could see chains moving in the distance as the creature approached. 

"Yes, yes I did. Well, my first thought was to make sure you were alright. I sensed the shift in time and figured that could only mean that you were in trouble. But, you're all right, aren't you?"

"Well-" Venom started, but he was interrupted by the creature jumping out from behind one of the bodies wielding a pitch-black blade. Venom let out what could only be described as a squeak and threw Deathbringer backward, hitting a body and tumbling to the floor.  The creature was some sort of anthropomorphic fox with scars covering its body and a hook on his right hand... The hook. 

Deathbringer swore the hook looked familiar, but he couldn't put his claw on it. The creature laughed heartily, and Deathbringer found his laugh surprisingly infectious. Venom only grumbled. 

"Alright, get off the floor before I kill you like your son," his tone changed completely, turning from friendly to deadly in an instant, and Venom hurriedly stood up. As soon as he did, the fox returned to being friendly, however, that bit of sinister intent still laced his voice. "Come here, let me get a look at you!"

The fox got extremely close to Deathbringer's face and smiled, brushing the flatter part of his hook against the nightwing's face. Deathbringer's muscles tensed as Twisted brushed along them as if trying to sense his strength. This continued for much too long, Twisted simply examining every inch of Deathbringer. 

"Fascinating," he commented with a twisted smile. His eyes contained deep, deep insanity and a violent mania that could be released at any moment. Deathbringer knew that, without a doubt, this creature in front of him was the most dangerous thing on the continent.

"He will make a great host," the fox suddenly proclaimed, standing up and turning away. "Especially with his relationship with the queen, he will be able to influence things in our favor."

"Influence what?" Deathbringer finally asked the question on his mind. "You still haven't told me what we are going to be working together on."

The fox looked at Deathbringer, or rather, Venom, incredulously. "You haven't told him?"

"You told me to keep it on a need-to-know," Venom countered, the fox only groaned. 

"Well, HE needs to know!" the fox yelled, then sighed and snapped his fingers. Green sparks appear from his hands and traveled around the room, shaping into long, interlocking lines and shapes that eventually formed a dazzling elaborate web.

"We are all familiar with the universe, and maybe the multiverse-," the creature explained, talking like a professor. "But what if I told you that was only a portion of our existence?"

The shapes slowly began to come together, creating large clusters of green light around the room. 

"This is the Spectroverse. Each spectrum contains no less than a billion multiverses, and our mission is to control one multiverse in every Spectrum, starting with this dimension, then moving on to others. You dig?"

"What do you mean by control?" Deathbringer asked, but immediately regretted it as the fox smiled wickedly. 

"The destruction of your world," green flames spewed out of the fox's eyes as he said this in a truly evil tone. "Nightmares haven't had a homeworld in quite some time, so we're going to take yours, even if it means killing everyone and everything in this dimension!"

This was worse than Deathbringer feared. They weren't trying to create a new world, they were only trying to destroy this one. "How would that benefit you?!" Deathbringer shouted impulsively. "If everything's dead then there'd be nothing to make it a good homeworld!"

Twisted's hand shot out and grasped Deathbringer by the throat, his grip like iron. "I did not give you permission to speak freely," the fox stated, somehow still looking amused. "But, I know you're new to this, so I'll simply let you off with a warning."

But even after saying this, he held onto Deathbringer for several more seconds before letting him go, leaving him gasping for air. "As for your question, that is really none of my concern, nor is it yours. I'm given worlds to dominate, and I dominate them; and from now on, I give you orders, and you'll follow them."

So even a creature as feared as this one was taking orders from someone else? How high did this chain of command go? Did they also have a queen of their own? So many questions, but he had a feeling that if he asked them, he'd get another choke.

"Now," The fox continued, the web changing to zoom into one cluster, continuing to zoom in to one line in particular. "If you were to help us, we can guarantee you and Glory safety. She will be all yours. All you have to do is help us out."

The web suddenly disappeared, the sparks coming together to form a new image. Two figures in the relative shapes of dragons were nuzzling each other lovingly, and it didn't take long for Deathbringer to realize that they were depicting him and Glory. "It will just be you an her, for eternity, nothing left to do but get it on!"

I know what you're about to ask, and it's stupid. Venom said to Deathbringer, but the nightwing didn't listen; his curiosity overtaking his fear. If he really was going to let this... creature, take his world, if he was going to live the rest of his with Glory, this was something that had to be resolved.

"What happened with Venom's son?"

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