Why Does Something Bad Happen Whenever There's Wholesomeness?

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Deathbringer and Glory had been together for almost 3 months. There was no more denying it. At first, they had tried to keep it a secret from everyone but their closest friends. Besides, how would the continent react to a queen of 2 tribes also the first queen with a public inter-tribal relationship? But of course, you know how those things go. One person finds out, and they tell their friends and they tell their friends and soon everyone knows and it's in the newspaper. Then, there were all the questions. "Is Deathbringer the King?" "Are you still Queen?" "Can we be expecting a dragonet soon?" "You better not have gotten Glory pregnant, or I will eat you!" Ok, that last one was Clay. What can they say? He's their Bigwings. 

But now, they left all of that drama behind for just a day. They took a walk on the beach. Glory liked the beach, though she would never admit it to Tsunami. She liked the way the sand felt between her talons. Deathbringer however, felt exactly the opposite. He felt that the beach had too little traction, and there were weird creatures, and it was too squishy. But he put up with it, because he knew Glory loved the beach, and as long as she was happy, he was happy.

"Deathbringer, do you ever think about what life would be like if I weren't Queen?" she asked him suddenly. "Like... if we'd be the same people or... even be together...?"

"I'm gonna stop you right there," Deathbringer told her with his signature smirk, walking up to his queen. "Because When I fell in love with you, you were just some Rainwing pretending to be an Icewing. Do you remember that day?"

Glory chuckled slightly. "One of the worst days of my life," she joked.

Deathbringer tried his best to imitate Glory. "You are, without a doubt, the worst assassin I've ever heard of."

Glory laughed and imitated Deathbringer, adding a little wink. "But you have heard of me."

They both laughed. Deathbringer rubbed the side of Glory's face. "You are so beautiful."

"Meh, you're pretty average, yourself," she responded, her scales turning pink. Deathbringer gasped and clutched his chest as if he'd been stabbed. 

"My queen, you wound me!" he declared dramatically.

"Serves you right for daring to gaze upon her majesty."

"Ah yes, nothing but a delinquent..." he said, walking towards the water. Glory eyed him suspiciously as his tail shapeshifted. "In fact, I am such a delinquent, I'd dare to do this!"

He brought his tail around, which was shaped like a bucket. He scooped up water and threw it all at her as she squealed, attempting to block it with her wing. The nightwing laughed hysterically as Glory glared at him, her scales turning red. "Oh, you are so dead!"

Deathbringer launched into the air, Glory right on his heels. "Get back here!" she roared playfully.

"I can't! I gotta make my glorious escape!" he cackled. Glory chased Deathbringer around the beach, then through the mountains. They laughed the whole way until Deathbringer sat to rest on a mountain, thinking he'd lost her. The next moment, she tackled him, making them tumble through the grass until they came to a stop with Glory on top. The rainwing grinned.

"Did I just beat a trained assassin?" she questioned teasingly.

"Who let you beat him?" Deathbringer asked with his smirk. "Yes."

Glory chuckled slightly and kissed Deathbringer, and they laid there for a moment, just being content to be near one another. 

"Ahem," The queen looked up to see Anemone above them. "Am I interrupting something?"

Glory quickly got off of Deathbringer and tried her best to look regal. Deathbringer got up and sat by Glory's side as Anemone landed in front of them, looking regal as ever.

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