Not Cash Money At All

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Deathbringer looked over the list of things he and Glory had created for him to bring up during the briefing. He looked over it and sighed at how little they knew about Bendy. According to Venom, the last time the symbiote had seen the ink demon, it had but nothing but a prototype. Not only this but he was never meant to be used for this mission.

"Is this really all we know about it?" the nightwing asked again.

For the 50th time, yes, Venom responded exasperatedly. I was only part of the Bendy project for a little bit, and it was a while ago.

"I just wish there was some way we could get more info..." he mumbled, getting up to go to the briefing. The meeting wasn't for another few minutes, but he had nothing better to do, right?

Well... the symbiote considered, stopping Deathbringer in his tracks. 

"What? Was is it?" he asked. "What have you been hiding?"

Nothing! Venom insisted. It's just... well... maybe, there's someone else that we both know. And hypothetically... they have an extremely high-security clearance. And conceivably, they ran this operation...

"No," the nightwing said immediately. "We are not going to him"

He's our best bet.

"I told you! I'm not going to him!"

I cannot believe we are going to him

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I cannot believe we are going to him.

Deathbringer entered the cave,  cage where the most powerful being in Pyhhria stood... or danced. He was in his cage, jumping and wiggling his arms in a way that loosely resembled some kind of ritual. Though, there was nothing sacred about this. When he saw Deathbringer, he suddenly jumped at the bars, holding onto them while sideways. 

"Deathbringer!" the fox greeted, making the nightwing shiver. He must be being creepy on purpose. "It must be my birthday! What did you get me?"

"I need information," Deathbringer told him. He didn't want to be in there for any longer than he needed to be. "And you're gonna give it to me."

"Well, that's a pretty crappy birthday present..." Foxy pouted. "What's in it for me?"

"Maybe this will change your mind?" Venom offered. 2 strands of black liquid shot from Deathbringer's shoulders, grabbing Foxy and slamming him into the ceiling of his cage. 

"Very valid argument," Foxy grunted, squirming slightly under the pressure. "I think this will be a great exchange."

"Glad we could work things out," Deathbringer said, and the black liquid let Foxy fall to the ground and retreated into the nightwing's shoulders. He had half expected Twisted to use his flames, but it wasn't like he was going to complain about i.

"One more thing," the fox told him. "If I give you what you want, you have to let me get some fresh air."

"Not a chance," Deathbringer said without hesitation. Of course, he wasn't going to let him out! Even when Deathbringer had lost control, fueled by that insane power, he still hadn't been able to beat Foxy. There was no telling what he was capable of, even if they took all the precautions they could.

"Well then I guess I can't help you," Foxy said indignantly, and Deathbringer smirked.

"You're choice," he told Twisted, before the black liquid shot from Deathbringer's shoulders again. But this time, Foxy was ready. Swift as a serpent, a black blade appeared in his hands and he cut the ends of the strands off as they approached him. Deathbringer heard Venom grunt in pain as the tentacles retreated. The ends lay on the floor, squirming before melting into the floor.

"You know," Foxy snarled irritatedly. "You think you are so smart. You think you can boss me around, and I put up with it so far, but not anymore!"

"You're the one behind bars," Deathbringer reminded him smugly, only for the fox to bark a laugh.

 "Do you think you beat me? I saw the timelines, I knew that I ended up in a cage no matter what, but you know what? It was up to me whose cage I was in, and how I got there. In most of the timelines, I kill you and Glory. But I thought you know what? They're kinda entertaining. Let's keep them around and see how the story plays out."

"Sure you did..." Deathbringer wanted to say that he knew that was impossible, but according to Venom, the nightmares had been planning this for thousands of years...

"You're only alive because I decided I wanted to keep you alive! Because I don't want to hurt you, I want to break you. 

"Shut up."

"I want to cripple you so you can't go on! It's what I do! It's why I killed Venom's son, then brought him back. 

"Shut up!"

"It's why I went after Glory. It's why I will use your future dragonet against you!"

KIll him... Venom demanded, but Deathbringer didn't need need to be told. He lept through the cage again, his body once again melting as he passed through the bars. But this time, Twisted had a different point to prove. The moment Deathbringer entered, Foxy's knee shot up and slammed the nightwing in the chin. His head momentum whipped upward, causing Deathbringer to slam his head into the ceiling, stunning him for a moment. Not wasting a second, Twisted spun, slamming the back of his foot against the bodyguard's side.

Deathbringer tried to regain some ground, feinting before throwing another punch. But he once again underestimated the fox's skill. He blocked the blow and threw a punch of their own, once again stunning the nightwing. Then, Foxy picked Deathbringer up and stabbed his hook into the nightwing's shoulder. Deathbringer yelled in pain and tried feebly to lift Foxy's hook away. A hot sensation was flooding through his body... what was that? Dammit... it's like Rogue's poison!

"The toxin in my hook is spreading through your body," Foxy explained. "I took inspiration from Rogue's venom, but of course, I just had to put my little spin on it!"

Deathbringer coughed, sputtering blood. I can't heal us! There's so much poison!

"There it is," Twisted mused. "In fact, at this point, there is so much of the toxin in your bloodstream, I'm not sure if you can be saved."

There was a flash of red, and the fox was thrown away from Deathbringer. "Hands off!" Glory roared, her eyes red. Something traced its way down her arm before she threw it, and it once again hit Foxy. Deathbringer melted through the bars, landing on the ground. The rainwing threw the cover over the cage before calling her guards into the room.

"You're gonna be okay!" Glory sounded so far away. The nightwing felt his veins burning. He coughed up more blood. And then, in a moment he was brought back to the day of the storm. But from a different point of view. He was a small dragonet, not even a 1-year-old. She was in the storm, with her father. The rain beat down on her face.

"We're almost home," her dad had promised, but Deathbringer knew that she didn't feel scared. She felt a strange connection to the rain, to the energy. Suddenly, her father was ripped away. The girl looked at her father, who was strung up against the tree by a metal cable around his neck. 2 red eyes greeted her from behind her father. 

"Daddy!" she yelled, but then something hot spread throughout her body as the area got very bright and she felt very strange. It felt like her entire body was burnt to a crisp and healed in an instant... like her heart was now pounding in sync with the rain. She looked down at her talons, which were now crackling with red energy. She wanted to scream but she couldn't. Every chemical in her brain became imbalanced, and she saw everything for just a moment. Every equation, every form of life, everything wrong or right with the world, but it was only for an instant. When it was over, she saw her father, cuts all over his body. Only then could she scream.

Glorybringer: The Nightmare WithinWhere stories live. Discover now