Who Needs Kneecaps?

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Well... this was embarrassing.

Twisted had helped to destroy entire dimension, destroyed entire species in less than a week... and yet, here he was, sitting inside of an oversized birdcage. And as if to put salt in the wound, the floor was covered in randomly placed bumps that prevented any sitting position from being comfortable.

Of course, he understood the reasoning. If he was allowed to be too comfortable, then he would be able to think better and find a way to escape sooner. It was actually quite smart of them... but that didn't make him any less annoyed!

"You're too much of a coward to beat me, huh?" the fox questioned Flint, who was double-checking the enchantment on the bars. 

"Maybe," he said simply.

"Really? And what would your girlfriend think of such a thing?" he questioned, giving the Cawthon an aggravating smirk. However, Flint just shrugged. "The silent treatment, I see. You know, I really expected more from a Cawthon."

"Ok," Flint responded, and Twisted growled. He'd locked him out... He was going to be able to manipulate him... and he had strategically kept Rogue away from him since she was more emotionally vulnerable... smart, very smart. They'd grown quite a bit from the last time he saw them. And judging from their hand-to-hand combat skills, Rogue had been teaching them, meaning it would be harder to beat them in the future. 

No matter, he thought to himself. This is but a minor setback... soon, we will have him on our side... Then no one can stop us.

He remembered the transmission they received and shivered in excitement at the raw power that would be on their side.

Soon... very soon...

Or 4 or 5 more years...

"Flint!" Lefte called urgently, and Twisted's ears perked up. "Something is happening. Dimension 4556ADG."

"It can wait," Flint said. "We gotta secure--"

"Believe it or not, it's more important," Lefte told him, and Flint looked between the bear and the fox. 

"4546ADG?" Flint thought. "Lefte, that timeline runs at a snail's pace compared to this one! By the time we'll be done the metal will have rusted to dirt!"

"I've run the calculations," the mystic assured him. "The mission will take 3 weeks there, which is only 2 years here."

"Well, we can't just leave him!" 

"The cage nullifies all of his abilities, and with their general gone, the Nightmares will retreat."

Once again, Flint looked between him and the fox once again before grunting in frustration. "Alright, let Glory know," he told him. "And tell her to keep the details behind the kingdom relocating a secret. The more people who know about it in this dimension, the more likely it is that it'll leak out. Then bounty hunters from all over the multiverse will come for Twisted."

The mystic nodded and went to carry out his orders. "Wow," Twisted said. "You're not great under pressure are you?"

The fox got excited when Flint tensed. "Guess not," the wolf replied cooly, disappointing him. 

Well, this surely wasn't ideal... Twisted had hoped to capture Deathbringer and Glory and then replicate the required conditions in a controlled environment, but this would have to do. He would have to simply watch and hope that what he had done was enough... 


It had only been a few minutes, but it felt like a lifetime since Deathbringer was last alive. Everything felt so... heavy. Having a corporeal form was so tiring.

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