Ah, Finally Some Wholesome-- Oh Come On!

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"Ah, here it is," the Rainwaing said after what seemed like an eternity. "PX-3901, used on Deathbringer from W0F28374901. Is this correct?"

"Yes," Glory groaned. "I need the antidote."

"Of course," the other rainwing pressed a button, and a door appeared. She led Glory to it, into a large room surrounded on both sides by thick glass, behind which were countless vials, each filled with a strange, unnatural-looking fluid. "Here it is. 3 mg for 4 weeks is recommended. This should cover that and more."

"Thank you," Glory said, and began to feel a tingling sensation throughout her scales. She checked the timer. 00:00:23. Glory wouldn't miss the Panic Room, that was for sure, but she would've liked to learn more about it... Maybe from a distance. But that didn't matter now. She did it. She had conquered her fear, and she had saved Deathbringer. 

The timer ticked to zero, and Glory was ripped away. She gripped the vial in her talons to keep it from being ripped away from her. As she went, she looked at saw a beautiful network of red webs against black space. She looked around her in wonder, before feeling as if she was slammed against a brick wall. She breathed in her own air for the first time in hours. 

"Glory!" Sunny slammed into Glory, who pushed Sunny away, turned her head, and threw up before accepting Sunny's hug. 

"Get this to Deathbringer," Glory said. "Give him 3 mg."

"6!" Foxy gurgled. The Queen watched in terror as his organs spilled from his skeleton, his body burnt to a crisp. "Give him six. We don't have four weeks; we have 3 days. HURRY!"

Her head was still spinning and seeing the fox's disfigured body proved to be the final straw as her brain collapsed under the pressure and she passed out.


She was awoken by gentle lips on her forehead and opened her eyes to see Deathbringer standing above her, smiling gently. She pulled him onto whatever bed she was on and kissed him and hugged him. Every molecule of her body was connected to his in a tight embrace. She never wanted to let him go again, she just wanted to stay intertwined with him forever, relishing this feeling of intense relief. "You're alive!"

"More or less," he grunted, trying to uncoil himself from the rainwing's prison of affection. "I wasn't so sure about you for a while. You just slept for 20 hours."

"How are you feeling?" Glory asked. "Any negative side effects?"

"It burns," Deathbringer admitted. "But I guess that's to be expected from something like this."

Glory checked his shoulder, which was scarred badly and probably would be for the rest of his life. But it was healing, and that's what mattered.

"I missed you," Glory admitted, pressing herself into his chest. "You can't pull stuff like that, Deathbringer. You can't try to fight Foxy, he's too strong."

"I know," Deathbringer said, kissing her. "I won't anymore... Foxy's back in his cage, and he's going to stay there. We took the crystal. Anemone enchanted it to hide where no one will ever find it, not even us."

"Good. No one deserves that much power."

They laid there for a moment in silence, just enjoying each other's company. In an ideal world, they'd be like this forever; no drama, no Nightmares... but that was not the reality... "Bendy will be here in 2 days. The armies are all lining up. We're ready."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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